Stellenwert einer bewegungslimitierenden Orthese in der Nachbehandlung der vorderen Kreuzbandplastik −Kurzzeitergebnisse−
Bedeutung einer bewegungsbegrenzenden Orthese bei der Nachbehandlung des vorderen Kreuzbandes Kunststoff -Kurzfristige Ergebnisse-
by Sebastian Heitkamp
Date of Examination:2021-01-19
Date of issue:2020-11-26
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Martin Wachowski
Referee:Prof. Dr. Siegmar Blumentritt
Referee:Prof. Dr. Martin Oppermann
Files in this item
The following clinical prospective randomized study deals with the importance of a motion-limiting orthosis for the post-treatment of anterior cruciate ligament plastic with anatomical drilling channel placement using the semitendinosus and, if applicable, gracilisstene. The comparison of two prospectively randomised patient groups, with orthosis (O-group) and without use of orthotics (NO group) in the context of post-treatment at two times (t0: preoperative, t1: three months postoperative), is at the forefront of this elaboration. The clinical scores showed different results. In summary, there were significant differences in the postoperative comparison of the Knee Society function score (KSSF) in favor of the non-orthesis group. Arthrometry detected significantly different results in the group-internal comparison of the two measuring points t0 and t1 (increasing stability). In the context of the balance board tests, the O-Group was also able to demonstrate the significance of the pre-OP post-OP comparison. Preoperative comparisons with significant results in the Oxford Knee Score (OKS) in favor of the O group, as well as in the Tegner activity level in favor of the NO group, it is necessary to discuss as well as significant differences with advantage of the NO group compared the affected extremity in the balance board experiment.
Keywords: rehabilitation; cruciate; ACL; anterior; hamstring; bracing; orthosis; brace; knee; rupture; GNRB; score; arthrometry; goniometry; tegner; oxford