Mental Models of Behavior Change: Can Mindfulness and Spirituality support Sustainable Food Consumption ?
by Aspasia Werner
Date of Examination:2020-10-08
Date of issue:2020-12-02
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Achim Spiller
Referee:Prof. Dr. Yasemin Boztug
Referee:Prof. Dr. Meike Wollni
Referee:Prof. Dr. Ludwig Theuvsen
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This dissertation explores the relationship between sustainable food consumerism and mental models. A special focus is placed on the concepts of spirituality and mindfulness as they inform and alter the mental processing of stimuli. The guiding study questions are: (1) Which mental models and intrinsic motivations lead to permanent shifts in dietary lifestyles? (2) What are the effects of traits spirituality and mindfulness on food choice and dietary behavior? (3) How can mental development techniques such as mindfulness, be utilized more efficiently in sustainable consumer sciences? The presented essays approach mental models and their potential as sustainability agents through diverse means and perspectives. Accordingly, essay one qualitatively explores key mental models motivating strongly alternative dietary lifestyles. Essay two quantifies the effect of the traits spirituality and mindfulness on selected food choice and dietary behaviors. Lastly, essay three extends on the insights gained in essay two by presenting a conceptual suggestion for more refined conceptualization and measurement of mindfulness to better fit the specifics of sustainable consumer sciences
Keywords: mental model; spirituality; mindfulness; sustainable consumerism; food choice behavior