Laser cavitation bubbles at objects: Merging numerical and experimental methods
by Max Koch
Date of Examination:2020-09-29
Date of issue:2020-12-10
Advisor:Dr. Robert Mettin
Referee:Prof. Dr. Florentin Wörgötter
Referee: Prof. Dr. Apl. Ulrich Apl. Parlitz
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Description:diss ohne CV und ohne Signatur
The main body of this thesis deals with the existence of the so called fast jet that develops when a single, laser generated cavitation bubble expands and collapses close to a flat, solid boundary at normalised distances [0, 0.2]. One reason for this focus is that even after 100 years of research on cavitation erosion, the precise mechanism of damage of hardest materials by cavitation bubbles still is not fully clear. In this thesis it is shown that exactly in the range of normalized distance [0, 0.3] the main pressure peak takes place in the symmetry point at the solid boundary below the bubble. In order to arrive at this conclusion, both the numerical two-phase compressible solver for the Navier-Stokes equation had to be developed to an elaborate extent and the experimental methods had to be designed for high precision records of the bubble collapse instant. One extra step that was further necessary, was to compare numerical and experimental results. The ray-tracing method, shipped with the 3D-software "blender", made it possible to transform the numerical results into images that look very similar to the ones obtained from the high speed photography experiments. This way the interpretation of the experimental results could reach beyond optical limits. To conclude, the thesis poses the existence of a fast jet reaching a velocity of 1000 m/s within 20 ns and the existence of a 4 GPa pressure peak at the solid boundary due to shockwave focussing. Further results concern the flow vortices around the bubble and mushroom-shaped bubbles on a solid cylinder. Most of the code and scripts written to achieve the results are published online (dataverse GWDG/ github).
Keywords: cavitation; CFD; ray-tracing; fluid mechanics; shockwave; non-linear fluid dynamics; compressible flow; bubble dynamics; computational fluid dynamics; OpenFOAM; blender; cavitation erosion