Signal transduction by the essential nucleotide second messenger cyclic di-AMP in Bacillus subtilis
by Larissa Krüger
Date of Examination:2020-12-11
Date of issue:2021-01-15
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Jörg Stülke
Referee:Prof. Dr. Ralf Ficner
Referee:Prof. Dr. Fabian Commichau
Referee:Dr. Sarah Adio
Referee:Prof. Dr. Stefanie Pöggeler
Referee:Prof. Dr. Henning Urlaub
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Bacillus subtilis, as a soil inhabitant, has to adapt to rapidly changing osmotic conditions. The response to these osmotic changes represents one of the most critical issues in the lifecyle of bacteria, and the tight regulation of the responsive pathways is of particular importance to guarantee survival. The nucleotide second messenger cyclic di AMP is involved in the response to changes in the external salinity as it plays a pivotal role in the control of the uptake of potassium ions. To guarantee tight regulation, c di AMP controls the two high-affinity potassium importers KtrAB and KimA on both transcriptional and protein level. The low-affinity potassium channel KtrCD, however, is controlled by the nucleotide on protein level only. In this study we revealed a second mode of regulation and showed that KtrCD is converted into a high-affinity potassium channel in the presence of glutamate. On the other hand, the affinity of the glutamate transporter GltT for glutamate depends on the availability of potassium ions. This mutual regulation highlights the importance of maintaining the balance of the two counterions and gives c di AMP a special role in monitoring the ionic strength of the cytoplasm. This is supported by our observation that not only potassium, as previously reported, but also glutamate is toxic for a strain lacking the nucleotide second messenger. In this study we isolated suppressor mutants that allow growth of a c-di-AMP-free strain exposed to glutamate. Characterization of these suppressors revealed that they contain pairs of mutations affecting glutamate and potassium homeostasis, phospholipid biosynthesis, motility, and respiration. Several independent mutations affected ybeC and the protein was identified as a novel glutamate transporter and renamed to AimA (amino acid importer A). The diversity of suppressor mutations suggests that the second messenger likely impacts other cellular processes in addition to the homeostasis of potassium and glutamate. Moreover, we could show that the response to potassium limitation includes the small signal transduction protein DarB (c-di-AMP receptor B). DarB is conserved among Firmicutes but its function has remained elusive until now. Low extracellular potassium levels lead to the presence of the apo-form of DarB. This ligand-free version of the protein binds the dual function (p)ppGpp synthetase/hydrolase Rel and activates ribosome-independent (p)ppGpp synthesis. Accumulation of (p)ppGpp activates the stringent response which induces a global cellular reprogramming, including the downregulation of ribosomal activities. This becomes important under extreme potassium limitation as potassium ions display crucial components of the active ribosome. The regulation of translational processes by a c-di-AMP-receptor through activation of the stringent response displays a novel event of second messenger crosstalk. Together with the suppressor analysis this work demonstrates a central role of c-di-AMP in the control of potassium and glutamate homeostasis, which is linked to the stringent response in B. subtilis.
Keywords: Bacillus subtilis; Second messenger signaling; cyclic di-AMP; Potassium; Glutamate; Nucleotide crosstalk