Engineered genetic tools for directed gene regulation
by Rafael Rinaldi Ferreira
Date of Examination:2019-04-25
Date of issue:2021-07-28
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Tobias Moser
Referee:Dr. Jens Gruber
Referee:Ph.d. Camin Dean
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Name:Engineered genetic tools for directed gene r...pdf
Description:PhD thesis
Genetic manipulation or genetic engineering is the ability to modify the behaviour of a gene or group of genes. In biological research, since nucleic acids were shown to be responsible for control of cellular functions and transfer of biological information, the urge to understand how genetic material works led to the development of tools in order to manipulate gene expression. Genetic manipulation is a powerful tool for biological research and the clinics. The improvement and development of gene manipulation techniques as well as gene delivery tools is crucial for the success and advancements of the field. In this thesis, we aimed to produce gene delivery tools that are more specific and efficient on delivering a gene of interest. We also aimed to utilise our delivery tools to test effective gene manipulation techniques to assist us on answering interesting scientific questions: Is the CRLF3 receptor linked to Epo mediated neuroprotection in mammals? Does a snoRNA derived miRNA behave as a classical miRNA?
Keywords: gene delivery tools; genetic manipulation; gene engineering