Evaluation der Therapieoptionen der Appendizitis
Evaluation Of Therapy Options Of Appendicitis
by Florian Horst Armin Wendt née Malinowsky
Date of Examination:2021-09-02
Date of issue:2021-08-23
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Bernd, Reith
Referee:Prof. Dr. Bernd, Reith
Referee:PD Dr. Steffen Kunsch
Files in this item
Name:Dissertation Herr Wendt30062020SUB01.pdf
We analysed 152 Patients with the diagnosis appendicitis treated between 2012 and 2015 in the Agaplesion Diakoniekliniken Kassel. We found, that an antibiotic treatment of the uncomplicated appendicitis seems to be save and has no higher rate of complications in a secundary operative procedure. The initial diagnosis of appendicitis is often found in the outpatient medicine. It may be possible and safe to treat patients with an uncomplicated appedicitis with antibiotics in the outpatient medicine.
Keywords: Appendicitis