Qualität der Single-Cone-Wurzelkanalobturation nach Wurzelkanal-präparation mit Single-File- oder Multiple-Files-Technik – Eine Mikro-CT-Studie
Quality of single-cone obturation following root canal preparation with single-file or multiple-files technique - A micro-CT study
by Kai Steffen Siegel
Date of Examination:2021-11-10
Date of issue:2021-11-08
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Michael Hülsmann
Referee:PD Dr. Sven Rinke
Referee:Prof. Dr. Margarete Schön
Files in this item
Aim: It was the aim of the study to compare the quality of single-cone root canal obturation following preparation with single-file or multiple-files technique using micro-computer-tomography. Materials and methods: Seventy-five extracted human maxillary incisors with straight root canals were randomly distributed into five groups (n=15). Three groups were prepared in single-file technique with NiTi files Reciproc R25 (regressive taper from 0.8 to 0.5), R40 (regressive taper from 0.6 to 0.5) (both VDW, Munich, Germany), and F6 SkyTaper 25/.06 (Komet, Lemgo, Germany) and groups 4 and 5 using the multiple-files system Mtwo (VDW) to sizes 25/.06 or 40/.04, respectively. Preparation was performed according to the manufacturers` recommendations. Following preparation all root canals were obturated in a single-cone technique using company-specific congruent gutta-percha cones in the dimensions of the final file. No sealer was used. The obturated teeth were scanned in the micro-CT (SkyScan 1272 (Bruker, Pixel size 10.9 µm)). Porosities between gutta-percha cone and root canal wall were evaluated horizontally at 0 mm, 4 mm, and 8 mm coronal from the apical tip of the cone and longitudinally over the distance from 0 to 8 mm coronal of the cone tip. Statistical analysis was performed using the Mann-Whitney-U-test (P<.05). Results: The comparison of the single-file system R25 with the multiple-files system Mtwo 25/.06 did not show significant differences for both evaluations as well as the comparison between the single-file system F6 SkyTaper 25/.06 with the multiple-files system 25/.06. The single-file system R40 showed significantly superior results compared to the multiple-files system Mtwo 40/.04 at 8 mm and along the distance from 0 to 8 mm. Conclusion: Summarizing, this study did not reveal significant differences in the quality of single-cone root obturation following preparation using single-file or multiple-files systems with different final sizes 25/.04 or 40/.04, and different instrument tapers .04, .06 or .08.
Keywords: single-file; multiple-file; single-cone; root canal; micro-CT