The effect of glatiramer acetate on functional properties of B lymphocytes in patients with MS
by Zivar Hajiyeva
Date of Examination:2021-12-08
Date of issue:2021-11-29
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Martin Weber
Referee:Prof. Dr. Peter Huppke
Referee:Prof. Dr. Alexander Flügel
Files in this item
Name:Doktorarbeit 19.11.2021.pdf
Objective: We examined the effect of glatiramer acetate (GA) on B-cell maturation, differentiation, and antigen presentation in MS patients. Methods: A cross-sectional study of blood samples from 20 GA-treated and 18 untreated patients with MS was performed by flow cytometry; 6 GA-treated patients with MS were analyzed longitudinally. Results: In MS, GA diminished transitional B-cell and plasmablast frequency, downregulated CD69, CD25, and CD95 expression, and decreased TNF-α production, whereas IL-10 secretion and MHC Class II expression were increased. Conclusions: GA immune modulates B-cell function in MS.
Keywords: B cells; Multiple sclerosis; glatiramer acetate