Friction under active control in systems with tailored degrees of freedom
von Saeed Amiri
Datum der mündl. Prüfung:2021-11-29
Betreuer:Dr. Richard L. C. Vink
Gutachter:Dr. Richard L. C. Vink
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Matthias Krüger
Tribology subjects are deeply related to each other. Understanding them and their effect on the energy conversion process needs awareness about the highly non-equilibrium process happening at the atomic level. Sliding friction is generated at the interfaces. Understanding these interfaces’ properties is the most crucial part of modeling friction and, finally, finding the channels of losing energy, dissipation, or transformation to other forms of energy or other bodies. Sliding friction on “dry ” solid surfaces at the nanoscale is the subject of this thesis. After reviewing some previous studies on dry friction, a two-dimensional bead-spring model will be set up for this work. Then, by employing molecular dynamics simulations, the energy dissipation through the internal degrees of freedom of the sliding object will be discussed. Also, the effect of structural defects and interaction anharmonicity on sliding friction will be investigated.
Keywords: friction; nanoscale; Molecular dynamics simulation; eigenmode; edge defect; coefficient of friction; sigmoid function; dry friction; energy dissipation; LAMMPS; rigid edge; resonance; anharmonicity; Frenkel-Kontorova model; Moiré pattern; ballistic friction; Phononic friction; five-parameters logistic function; Rotational kicking
Schlagwörter: English