Genetical Aspects of Bone Stability in Laying Hens Differing in Phylogeny and Performance Level
Genetik der Knochenstabilität bei Legehennen unterschiedlicher phylogenetischer Herkunft und Leistungsniveaus
by Simon Manfred Jansen
Date of Examination:2021-09-10
Date of issue:2022-01-21
Advisor:Dr. Reza A. Sharifi
Referee:Reza A. Dr Sharifi
Referee:Prof. Dr. Armin Schmitt
Referee:Prof. Dr. Steffen Weigend
Referee:Prof. Dr. Georg Thaller
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Skeletal disorders in laying hens is one of the most serious problems facing the egg production industry and is gaining increasing attention due to changes in husbandry systems and overall increased public concern about hen welfare. There are a high number of hens in commercial flocks suffering from bone weakness and fractures due to osteoporosis, which has serious animal welfare implications. Genetics have been found to substantially affect skeletal integrity, although little is yet known about the exact mechanisms. Therefore, the aim of this thesis was to further characterise the influence of genetics on the differentiation of bone stability and to evaluate its potential for improving bone health in laying hens. The experimental part of this work involves three studies, in which an animal model was applied comprising four purebred layer lines differing in their phylogenetic origin (brown vs. white-egg) and egg production level (high vs. moderate performing). In the first study (Chapter 2), we aimed at analysing the relationship between bone stability and egg production using the four-line animal model. Besides basic characterisation of skeletal traits in these lines, multifactorial models and regression analyses were employed to identify factors determining the bone breaking strength (BBS) and bone mineral density (BMD) of the tibiotarsus and humerus. While the morphometry of the bones had limited effects on their BBS, the BMD was found to be a decisive factor accounting for a high amount of the observed variance in BBS. Strong phylogenetic effects were only observed in relation to bone dimensions, in that the bones of the brown-egg lines were larger and heavier and had a higher BMD than those of the white-egg ones. Although both high performing lines were superior to the moderate performing ones in terms of production traits and inferior in terms of BMD, there was no effect of total eggshell production on BBS or BMD within the lines studied. Contrary to what was suspected, the results did not provide evidence for a negative association between egg production and bone health and we concluded that a high egg number does not necessarily pose a risk for bone weakness. Finally, genetic parameter estimations implied an inherited component of BBS and BMD, supporting the role of genetics in skeletal traits. The aim of the second study (Chapter 3) was to examine skeletal traits under the metabolically challenging situation of repeated dietary calcium restrictions. Within and among the four chicken lines of our animal model, the hens’ adaptation response was characterised with regard to the effects of phylogeny and performance level. Calcium depletions led to a decrease in egg number and eggshell quality in all lines, but recovery occurred after reconversion to adequate supply. Substantial bone demineralisation was observed post mortem. These results may reflect the attempt to maintain reproductive performance at the expense of skeletal integrity. It turned out that the performance level influenced the adaptation response less than phylogeny. In this regard, the white-egg lines showed a more pronounced response whereas the brown-egg ones seemed to be less sensitive towards reduced calcium levels. The latter was explained by a more favourable body constitution of these lines, where higher amounts of calcium could be provided by the skeletal system without severely compromising bone health. In the third study (Chapter 4), the BBS and BMD measurements obtained in the first experiment were examined from a genomic perspective to see whether genomic regions associated with bone stability could be identified. To this end, the four layer lines were combined to one set. Two alternate approaches were applied for single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) selection including single-locus mixed linear model analysis and machine learning-based Random Forests classification. The latter method seem more robust in terms of population stratification bias. Sixteen potential candidate genes located in close proximity to the SNPs were identified by subsequent functional analyses. These genes are supposed to be functionally related to the skeleton in chickens or humans. Moreover, gene set enrichment analysis showed that some of these candidate genes are involved in the same metabolic pathways critical for bone metabolism. The results met our expectations in that they suggest that multiple genes, each of which has a rather small effect size given the calculated SNP effect estimates, determine bone stability. Though the candidates presented in this study are putative and causality has yet to be proven, they are promising in terms of bone biology. Overall, this work identified genetics as a major determinant of bone stability in laying hens. However, the performance level of the hens does not seem to play a decisive role, as no correlations between hen productivity and bone stability were observed. In contrast, a phylogenetic effect is to be assumed which, according to current knowledge, is most likely based on an advantageous physical constitution of the brown-egg lines. Given moderate inheritance of bone traits, there is the possibility of genetic selection for improved skeletal health. Since multiple genes regulate bone stability, genetic improvement should be achievable through the increased use of genomic information.
Keywords: Animal welfare; Laying hens; Bone health; Poultry breeding; Osteoporosis; Phylogeny