Peacebuilding der Vereinten Nationen. Der Wandel in der Friedenssicherungspraxis der internationalen Gemeinschaft und die Veränderung staatlicher Souveränität
Peacebuilding of the United Nations - The evolution of the peacekeeping practice of the international community and the change of sovereignty
by Tobias Tschappe
Date of Examination:2011-10-10
Date of issue:2014-01-21
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Andreas L. Paulus
Referee:Prof. Dr. Andreas L. Paulus
Referee:Dr. Ingo Take
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When general secretary Boutros-Ghali presented the Agenda for Peace in 1992, he introduced the concept of post-conflict peace-building, thereby extending the United Nation’s existing instruments for maintaining international peace and security by a remarkable novel tool. Basi-cally, peacebuilding addresses the complex problems that states face in the aftermath of armed conflict. The practical relevance of the concept can be witnessed in the increasingly complex efforts and multidimensional peace operations that were set up by the international community from the late 1980’s on until today. Encompassing a multitude of measures, the core idea of peacebuilding lies in the creation of structures and conditions which are regarded as guarantors for the peaceful development and stable future of post-conflict societies. Therefore, it presents a transformative and therefore far-reaching undertaking by the international community in order to change and reshape the conflictual identity of states. Consequently, one of the most striking features of peacebuilding is the degree to which the international community today intervenes into what is commonly considered the ‘internal affairs’ of sover-eign members of the international community and how this practice deviates from former methods of UN peacekeeping. Accordingly, there seems to exist an ambiguous relationship between the concept of sovereignty as a fundamental institution structuring the international organization of political authority and the changed practice of maintaining peace and security. Considering this observation as the investigation’s point of departure, this thesis asks how peacebuilding became an essential concept for dealing with international security issues and what effects it brings about within the international community from a macro-perspective. To answer these questions, the thesis develops a theoretical argument about the role of inter-national normative structures, identifying an explanatory process of reconstruction with regard to the institution of sovereignty. After a critical examination of the concept and the related practice, a twofold effect is attested comprising the stabilization of the international order, simultaneously attempting to transform it by the promotion of liberal state identities. Thus, the thesis conjoins the scholarly debates about contemporary policymaking in the field of interna-tional security with the question about the role of internationally shared norms on policymak-ing in general and of sovereignty as a normative structure in particular.
Keywords: Peacebuilding; Sovereignty; Peacekeeping; International Community; Statebuilding; Constructivism; International Relations; International Law