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    • Arbeitsteilung der Eltern 

      Gerum, Magdalena (2021-12-10)
      Family sociological research has so far neglected the importance of child age as an explanation of how parents divide up gainful employment, housework and childcare. It is obvious, however, that an ...
    • Opening the Black Box 

      Dai, Lianghao (2020-06-05)
      This doctoral dissertation teases out how scientific knowledge in interdisciplinary collaborative teams is learned, shared and integrated in scientists' minds and in their daily interpersonal communications. This work is ...
    • Ursachen früher gesundheitlicher Ungleichheiten und ihre schulischen Folgen 

      Becker, Sten (2018-03-23)
      Origin-related educational inequalities are now well documented, but are still poorly understood in terms of the underlying mechanisms. To explain the social and ethnic inequalities in educational success, empirical ...
    • Assimilation Over the Life Course? 

      Hartmann, Jörg (2016-05-24)
      In recent years, migration and migrant assimilation have returned to the center of public debate in Germany, and as the number of immigrants has risen steadily, the insights of migration scholars into migrant assimilation ...
    • Why to Change Job(s)? 

      Tanwar, Jagriti (2015-11-23)
      India has been undergoing a socio-economic transformation over the last two decades. One of the most impressive and visible changes has been the growing presence of girls and women in schools, colleges, universities, ...
    • Strafwirkungen und Rückfall - Lässt sich mit Hilfe prozesserzeugter Daten der Strafrechtspflege der spezialpräventive Anspruch des Strafrechts prüfen? 

      Hohmann-Fricke, Sabine (2014-06-10)
      Individual prevention – meant as the reduction of recidivism via rehabilitation, deterrence and incapacitation – is seen as one of the most important tasks of criminal justice. In contrast to this the labeling approach ...
    • Erwerbstätig oder Hausfrau? 

      Ochoa Fernández, Esther (2013-06-20)
      Over the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s the female employment in Europe increased while simultaneously there was a decline of male employment. However in spite of the policy change towards an “adult worker model” women are more ...
    • Biographische Bildungs-und Individualisierungsprozesse in Suedkorea 

      Kang, Ewha (2012-01-17)
      The biographical procedures of individualization as well as Adult education in South Korea, which have been dealt with in this dissertation, embrace both biographical educational concepts ...
    • Familiäre und schulische Beiträge zur Leseförderung: Eine vergleichende Interventionsstudie 

      Villiger Hugo, Caroline (2011-11-16)
      This thesis dealt with reading promotion at Grade 4. The development and evaluation of three reading programs with respect to their effectiveness was a primary concern in order to generate ...