Browsing Philosophisches Seminar by Referee "Holler, Anke Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Perspektivierung im Text -- Interpretation und Verarbeitung
(2020-06-19)Language possesses the capacity to express many different perspectives. As a general principle, the interpreter takes the speaker of an utterance to be the perspective-holder of the content that it conveys. This presumption ...
Abhängige Sätze in einem fragebasierten Diskursmodell
(2015-01-20)In this thesis, different types of dependent clauses will be investigated with respect to their behavior in a question-driven discourse model. It will be argued that one group of dependent clauses is conventionally marked ... -
Subjektellipsen in Koordinationsstrukturen. Theoretische Fundierung und empirische Erkenntnisse
(2014-09-19)Subject gaps in coordinative structures are not easy to analyse, especially subject gaps in an asymmetric coordination like the so-called SGF-coordination (subject gaps in final-frontal structures). The thesis gives a broad ...