Europäisierung deutscher Migrationspolitik
Europeanization of German immigration Policy
by Nam-Eun Lee
Date of Examination:2011-10-17
Date of issue:2012-07-31
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Ilona Ostner
Referee:Prof. Dr. Ilona Ostner
Referee:Prof. Dr. Ernst Kuper
Referee:Prof. Dr. Claudia Diehl
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Facing global migration movements, there seems to be no doubt anymore that Germany today has become an immigration country. During the last years increasingly the development of a common migration area can be observed. In this context, the goal of the survey was to depict the Europeanization of German migration policies. For this, both the main questions how the German migration policies developed since the 1990s and how much they subsequently became European policies were followed. With regard to Europeanization the survey shows that it is not a one way road. It is not a mere top-down process starting within the EU and leading to a change of policies within the EU member states. Instead, Europeanization would mean that the member states themselves (bottom-up process) would register their interest in a communitarisation of migration policies and may have significant influence on the top-down-process. So, Europeanization of national migration policies means – here using the example of Germany – their coordination on the supranational level of the EU including top-down and bottom-up processes as well. In this sense, the survey makes the area of migration policies accessible again: on one hand in Germany – i. e. on a national level – institutional adjustments of political instruments in response to supranational pressure can be deduced. On the other hand, on both levels a form of “parallel promotion
Keywords: Europeanzation; Germany; Emigration and immigration; Government policy; German immigration policy; European Union; Immigration; EU; Germany; Immigration policy; Asylum; Europe; European Unification
Schlagwörter: Europäisierung; Deutschland; Migrationspolitik; Europäische Union; Einwanderungspolitik; Institutionen; EU; Deutsche Migrationspolitik; Asyl; Flüchtlinge; Integrationspolitik; Ausländerpolitik; Einwanderung