Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Ethnologie [20]
Pädagogik [21]
Politikwissenschaft [29]
Sportwissenschaften [33]
Recent Submissions
Cattle Economies and Social Reconfigurations in the Urban Space
(2025-01-23)Pastoralism in the Sahel region, anthropologically well-researched, is commonly associated with Fulani economies in rural areas. Although studies on urban Fulani often recognize cities as site for alternative income sources ... -
How Students´ Disciplinary Attitudes and Beliefs Affect Learning In Introductory Statistics Courses
(2024-12-18)Attitudes and beliefs are frequently studied concepts in statistics education research. A main reason for this is that both are associated with learning success. However, very little is known about the mechanisms that ... -
Bildungsberatung Jugendlicher mit geringen formalen Bildungsqualifikationen
(2024-08-28)The dissertation takes as its starting point educational policy objectives pursued at EU and federal level, which call for the expansion of educational counselling. Given the background of changing social requirements, ... -
Leistungsfähigkeit beruflicher Ausbildung: Empirische Beiträge zur Beurteilung der systemisch-ökonomischen und individuellen Perspektive
(2024-06-27)The objective of this thesis is to adopt a more nuanced approach to examining the current performance-related challenges within the vocational education and training (VET) system. The focus is on two key issues that have ... -
What Inclusion Leaves Out: Dalit Women, Feminism and the "Afterlives" of Educational Policy in Contemporary India
(2023-11-23)This dissertation tells the story about the beginnings, transformations and ‘afterlives’ of a set of education policies and programmes (the National Education Policy of 1986 and the Mahila Samakhya programme) that introduced ... -
Sicherstellung bedarfsgerechter pflegerischer Langzeitversorgung in Deutschland
(2023-11-22)In view of demographic change, ensuring long-term care of the elderly is one of the key current and future challenges in Germany. Due to the increasing number of people in need of care, the dissolution of family networks, ... -
Geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede im politischen Selbstkonzept von Jugendlichen
(2023-11-17)Gender equality is a central element of our representative democracy (Bukow & Voß, 2018). However, with a female representation of about 35 % in the German Bundestag (Deutscher Bundestag, 2023), the current gender distribution ... -
Differenzierungen, Normalität und Positionierungen. Analysen studentischer Äußerungen über Inklusion und Schüler*innen.
(2023-08-04)In recent years, 'inclusion' has become an important topic in school and classroom research as well as in teacher education and student research. While quantitative-empirical research asks about attitudes and similar ... -
City on the Move: Migration, Public Culture, and Urban Identity in Delhi, c. 1911-present
(2023-06-20)This dissertation examines the formations and political implications of neighbourhood histories, and the central role of public historical narratives and memories in producing a normative “local community” that structures ... -
Körperunzufriedenheit bei männlichen Fitnessstudiobesuchern
(2023-05-08)This dissertation aimed to reconstruct the meaning of sportive actions and social interactions in the small lifeworld of the gym in the context of body dissatisfaction among men. A qualitative research design was chosen ... -
Hindutva Self-fashioning: Young Hindu Nationalists of India
(2023-04-27)This doctoral thesis is titled ‘Hindutva Self-Fashioning: Young Hindu Nationalists of India’. In this study, I investigated the socialisation processes and everyday lives of members of India’s largest Hindu nationalist ... -
Re-Making Social Europe After the Great Recession
(2023-04-20)At the beginning of the year 2012, Social Europe was in ruins. Austerity in peripheral member states, especially in Southern Europe, and the adoption of new and strict fiscal consolidation policies in the euro area had led ... -
Just Lunch: An Ethnography of School Meals and Poverty in Delhi
(2023-03-23)This dissertation examines the actual social outcomes of one of the largest and most prominent social policies of the Indian government in the field of poverty reduction and education – the so-called Mid Day Meal Scheme ... -
Legitimierung von Moscheebauprojekten im Spannungsfeld zwischen Unterstützung und Widerständen: Eine fallstudienbasierte Untersuchung in der Metropolregion Rhein-Ruhr
(2023-03-03)The dissertation deals with the legitimisation of mosque construction projects in urban society. A particular focus is on the multi-dimensional relations between mosque communities and their social environment. Methodologically, ... -
"Wie ein Vogel, der mit zwei Flügeln fliegt"
(2023-01-12)The dissertation focuses on highly religious Muslims in Germany who are involved in activities of their own religious community as well as in non-religious civil society organisations. They are thus committed to society ... -
Frauen in Couleur. Akademische Frauenverbindungen und die Strategien weiblicher Gemeinschaftsbildungen in einer Männerdomäne
(2022-10-10)The milieu of student associations („Studierendenverbindungen“) in Germany is male-dominated, with male-dominated traditions and rituals that focus on masculinity. This is also reflected in their members: the majority of ... -
God Help the Girl
(2022-08-31)This dissertation seeks to determine the policy stances of the Catholic Churches in Poland and the Philippines regarding the issue of prostitution. It endeavors to explain why these stances diverge, despite the two Churches ... -
Diversity Management in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen.
(2022-08-08)In the course of increasing heterogeneity within society, triggered, for example, by demographic change, the increased influx of people with international histories, or the changing distribution of roles in partner ... -
The Ties that Bind: Party Social Identity and the Relevance of Ideology for the Chinese Communist Party
(2022-07-19)This thesis seeks to answer the question why ideology still matters for the Chinese Communist Party in its relations with its own members and, importantly, what its purpose is. In other words, it wants to understand how ... -
Inter(ethno)religiöse Kooperation
(2022-05-18)Short summary: The dissertation describes and analyzes direct and indirect manifestations of exchange and reference between local religious communities in the ctities Gelsenkirchen and Recklinghausen, located in the German ...