Langzeitergebnisse nach totaler extraperitonealer Hernioplastik (TEP) bei Patienten mit dem Erstereignis einer Leistenhernie
Long-term results after total extraperitoneal hernioplasty (TEP) in patients with the first occurence of an inguinal hernia
by Lara Malorny
Date of Examination:2018-04-30
Date of issue:2018-04-23
Advisor:PD Dr. Sebastian Dango
Referee:Prof. Dr. Sascha Ahyai
Referee:Prof. Dr. Günter Emons
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The total extraperitoneal hernioplasty (TEP) is a common technique for a laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair. The aim of the study was to analyze the long-term effect after TEP as well as potential risk factors. To collect data, questionnaires were sent to patients with the occurrence of an initial inguinal hernia which was treated by TEP. The outcoming results were used for evaluating the clinical significance. The recurrence rate of 8,5% after a mean follow-up of 5,9 years showed that the TEP can be seen as a safe surgical treatment. The most frequent long-term complication was chronic pain, which affected 26,8% of the patients, mainly with a mild intensity. Furthermore, patients who were younger or female suffered more from chronic pain. A statistical significance was relevant for patients who already had a relapse in relation to chronic pain and postoperative swelling. Patients who relapsed were more frequently affected, although most of them already underwent a new operation. In addition, postoperative swellings were significantly more common for female patients. The BMI demonstrated no impact on the occurrence of an initial inguinal hernia, postoperative discomfort or relapse. Overall, in comparison to other studies, the presented study showed satisfying long-term results. That is why the TEP can be considered as a safe surgical treatment, which can be recommended for inguinal hernia repair.
Keywords: TEP