Die präzise Ultrastruktur der Organellen der dendritischen Spines
The precise ultrastructure of dendritical spines
by Vanessa Salimi
Date of Examination:2018-11-19
Date of issue:2018-11-01
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Silvio O. Rizzoli
Referee:Prof. Dr. Paul Lingor
Referee:Prof. Dr. Rainer Mausberg
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The following work deals with the ultrastructure of dendritic spines. The presynaptic is a well-researched part of the brain, and functions and strutures within it are well known. The postsynapse, on the other hand, which continues the flow of information, is not very well researched. This work focuses on single cell organelles compared to stumpy spines and mushroom spines.
Keywords: Spines Dendrites Organelles Mitochondria Postsynapsis