Browsing CBL - Zentrum für Biodiversität und Nachhaltige Landnutzung (ehem. GZBÖ) by Referee "Isselstein, Johannes Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Resilience of Earthworm and Soil Microbial Communities to Agricultural Intensification and Climatic Extremes - A Case Study in the North German Lowlands
(2023-05-16)High demands for agricultural goods such as food, fiber and fodder and at the same time a decreasing farmland area result in an ongoing intensification of agricultural production. This is accompanied by high environmental ... -
Vegetation patterns and processes in semi-natural open habitats and the contribution of wild red deer to their conservation
(2019-09-30)Traditional practices of human land use have shaped semi-natural open habitats over the past millennia, resulting in the typical European cultural landscapes with characteristic, diverse species communities. In the course ... -
Effects of different energy cropping systems on plant diversity in Central German agricultural landscapes
(2015-08-17)The rich biodiversity of the Central European farmland is to a large extent directly dependent on human management decisions. Diverse and dynamic biocoenoses have developed in mutual interactions with farming practices, ... -
The influence of land-use intensification and biodiversity on grassland biomass, water use and plant functional traits
(2012-01-19)Agricultural intensification has transformed most grasslands of Central and Western Europe from extensive to highly intensive management during the last 50 years, resulting in a strong ...