Browsing Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften by Advisor & Referee "Sperlich, Stefan Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-11 of 11
Okonometrische Verfahren zur Messung von Segregation und Lohndiskriminierung - eine theoretische und empirische Studie
(2013-01-31)In most economies males earn higher wages than females. The question is whether this wage gap is due to discrimination or not. The dominant approach is the human capital theory by Becker and Mincer. It means that workers ... -
Three Essays on Application of Semiparametric Regression: Partially Linear Mixed Effects Model and Index Model
(2012-12-07)The dissertation consists of three essays. The main focus is set on semiparametric regression modeling, which embodies the strength of parametric and nonparametric regression models in terms of flexibility, dimensionality ... -
Econometric studies on flexible modeling of developing countries in growth analysis
(2012-05-25)Over the last four decades, several methods for selecting the smoothing parameter, generally called the bandwidth, have been introduced in kernel regression. They differ quite a bit, and although there already exist ... -
Contributions to statistical modelling of high-frequency financial data with applications to Frankfurt Stock Exchange
(2012-03-22)This dissertation is concerned with the forecasting performance of time series models for the price movements of high-frequency transaction data on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. The availability of high quality data of ... -
Bandwidth Selection in Nonparametric Kernel Estimation
(2012-03-14)Kernel estimation is a common nonparametric method for data based estimation of densities or regression functions. Although one may consider nonparametric estimation as a procedure that ... -
Essays on Industrial and Services Sectors' Agglomeration in the European Union
(2012-02-28)Throughout this dissertation agglomeration and specialization tendencies of both industrial and services sectors in the European Union, the driving forces behind and dynamic developments ... -
Three studies on semi-mixed effects models
(2012-01-05)The applications of non- and semiparametric models are found in nearly all fields of empirical research. Since nonparametric methods do not have restrictive assumptions about the distribution of the observations ... -
Simple Solutions to hard Problems in the Estimation and Prediction of Welfare Distributions
(2011-06-01)The aim of my PhD projects is to investigate various problems in applied parametric and nonparametric estimation, and eventually in prediction. The main focus is on welfare analysis. For instance, in both nonparametric density ... -
Semiparametric Structure Guided by Prior Knowledge with Applications in Economics
(2011-05-27)Among many developments in statistical modelling in recent years, non- and semiparametric methods have proved to be a particularly powerful data-analytic tool. Nevertheless, there still ... -
Classification and Analysis of Management and Marketing Data
(2010-06-18)This work investigates and provides examples of effective methods of statistical analysis for strategic decision making, specifically in managerial and marketing applications. The particular motivation is to bridge the ... -
Money demand in dollarized countries: an empirical investigation
(2010-05-28)This thesis deals about money demand functions for a broad monetary aggregates in dollarized countries. The countries under consideration are Paraguay, Peru and Argentina. Empirical models ...