Browse by type "magisterThesis"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Privatsphärenschutz vs. Pressefreiheit: Eine rechtvergleichende Untersuchung zum deutschen und russischen Recht im Lichte der EMRK
(2013-09-16)The paper is dealing with the leading principles relevant for the balancing between the right to respect for private life (in particular the right to protect one's personal image) and the freedom of expression. The paper ... -
Umgang mit Kinderarmut am Beispiel von Göttingen - Betrachtung der Strategien des Masterplans
(2012-03-06)By the example of the Masterplan gegen Kinderarmut [masterplan against child poverty] this bachelor thesis reveals that the municipal dealing with child poverty can be seen as an example ... -
Dynamiken in der Gruppenbildung der Kurden durch nationalstaatliche Prozesse
(2010-08-26)This academic approach examines, explains and drafts processes that created and helped organizing kurdish formation of groups in the region of Iraqi Kurdistan aiming to an explanation for ... -
Indigene Bewegung und "Identitätspolitik" in Ecuador
(2009-10-29)The upswing of ethnic, or movements often characterized as ethno-nationalistic, is a phenomenon taking place all over the world. With the end of the cold war most armed conflicts were now interpreted overhastly as ethnically ... -
Konkurrenz um die Ressource Wasser
(2008-03-28) -
Der Ostseerat - ein Beitrag zur Zivilisierung des internationalen Systems?
(2007-10-18)The Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) was founded as a consequence of the global political change during the years 1989/90. Although it is a high-ranking organization, consisting of ...