Wirkung von Ostarine – ein selektiver Androgenrezeptormodulator (SARM) – auf das osteoporotische Femur der orchiektomierten Ratte
Osteoporose, Sarm, Ostarine, Femur
Effect of Ostarine - a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) - on the osteoporotic femur of the orchiectomized rat
Osteoporosis, femur, Ostarine, Sarm
by Bastian R. Spelsberg
Date of Examination:2022-07-27
Date of issue:2022-06-17
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Stephan Sehmisch
Referee:PD Dr. Daniel Hoffmann
Referee:Prof. Dr. Dirk Raddatz
Files in this item
Name:Dr. Arbeit ohne CV.pdf
In this work, the drug ostarine, a selective androgen receptor modulator, was examined for its effectiveness in treating the osteoporotic femur of an orchiectomized rat. In the proximal femur, Testosteron Therapy improved cortical BMD in Orx rats. Ostarine Prophylaxe enhanced cortical density and volume, trabecular density and thickness, as well as the number of trabecular nodes.
Keywords: rat; osteoporosis; bone; Ostarine; sarm; testosteron
Schlagwörter: Osteoporose; Sarm; Knochenheilung; Knochen; Testosteron