Inkongruente Bedürfnisbefriedigung bei Suchterkrankten: Ein Vergleich von Menschen mit Alkohol --, Medikamenten und Verhaltenssucht mit gesunden Probanden
Incongruent satisfaction of needs in addicts: A comparison of persons with alcohol, drugs and behavioral addiction with healthy subjects
by Max Lange
Date of Examination:2023-09-26
Date of issue:2023-08-22
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Dirk Wedekind
Referee:Prof. Dr. Dirk Wedekind
Referee:PD Dr. Robert Waltereit
Referee:Prof. Dr. Ralf Dressel
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Both motivational incongruence (INK-G) and depression have been shown to be associated with alcohol dependence and as such a possible target for treatment strategies. Non-substance addictions (NSA) like Internet addiction and gambling have recently been discussed to be similarly severe in their addiction development. Here, the aim was firstly to investigate whether INK-G and depression can be found at comparable levels in NSA, as well as in people with substance addiction (SA). Secondly, whether expression of INK-G and depression were linked to the gravity of the symptoms of the addicts. Between 2020 and 2021, 96 addiction patients from different categories (alcohol addicts, benzodiazepine or opioid drug addicts and behavioral addicts) were interviewed using the INK incongruity questionnaire and BDI-2. Statistical analysis showed a significantly increased INK-G in all addiction groups compared to a non-addictive reference group. Behavioral addicts showed a lower INK-G compared to drug addicts. The correlation between depression and INK-G was significant with a value of 0.602. A slight increase in INK-G was found in female patients, although the influence of gender should be viewed critically due to the small effect size. The results support the assumption that the INK-G is a valuable instrument for recording the implementation of motivational goals in addicts. Future intervention studies could consider the application of consistency-theoretic therapy planning to reduce INK-G and to examine its effects on symptom reduction.
Keywords: motivational incingruence; addiction; behavioral addiction; comparison behavioral addiction substance dependence; Klaus Grawe; Grosse Holtforth; INK; Depression in addicts
Schlagwörter: motivationale Inkongruenz; Verhaltenssucht; Depression bei Sucht; Abhängigkeit; Sucht; INK; Vergleich Substanzabhängigkeit Verhaltenssucht; Klaus Grawe; Grosse Holtforth; inkongruente Bedürfnisbefriedigung