Prospektive Untersuchung des Schädelwachstums Frühgeborener von Geburt bis zum errechneten Geburtstermin
Prospective analysis of the head growth of preterm neonates from birth to term
by Laura Jünemann
Date of Examination:2024-04-02
Date of issue:2024-03-28
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Philipp Franz Meyer-Marcotty
Referee:Prof. Dr. Philipp Franz Meyer-Marcotty
Referee:PD Dr. Steffi Dreha-Kulaczewski
Files in this item
Name:Juenemann_Laura_Dissertation eDiss_.pdf
Using stereophotogrammetry for a longitudinal 3D analysis of the head growth of preterm born neonates from birth to term.
Keywords: head growth; preterm; stereophotogrammetry
Schlagwörter: Kopfwachstum; Frühgeborene; 3D Kephalometrie; Stereophotogrammetrie