Effects of managed forest stand composition on small mammal demography and reciprocal effects on seed predation patterns in Northern Germany
Doctoral thesis
Date of Examination:2024-03-08
Date of issue:2024-04-08
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Niko Balkenhol
Referee:Prof. Dr. Niko Balkenhol
Referee:Dr. Jacob Dittel
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In an effort to ameliorate the impacts of climate change, forest managers in Central Europe increasingly turn to conifer species that produce higher yields and are better adapted to projected future climatic conditions. Though small mammals are an important component of the forest ecosystem, the impacts of enriching native broadleaf forests with conifers on small mammal communities are not well understood. I conducted mark-recapture surveys of small mammals to ascertain differences in their community structure among stands of two conifers (native Norway spruce Picea abies and non-native Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii) and the dominant broadleaf in the region, European beech (Fagus sylvatica). After estimating the density of two common species, the yellow-necked mouse (Apodemus flavicollis) and bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus), I found that the population density of each is positively related to the proportion of beech and negatively to the proportion of conifers in each stand, though these effects of stand composition are smaller than the positive effect of herb cover. Increasing Norway spruce proportion reduced monthly survival of small mammals, while Douglas fir proportion had a positive effect on survival. I conclude that the two conifer species have similar impacts on small mammal density, though overall small mammal survival was significantly lower on plots with Norway spruce. This suggests that increasing the proportion of Douglas fir at the expense of Norway spruce may be possible without significantly changing local patterns of small mammal population density, but further research is necessary to elucidate the exact impacts of these two conifer species on small mammal demography and behavior. After coming to the conclusion that herb cover is more important than stand composition for predicting small mammal density, we decided to investigate the link between small mammals and the forest understory further. Forest understory complexity is important for many species, from large herbivores such as deer to small mammals such as mice and voles. For species that utilize the forest understory on a very small scale, it is often impractical to conduct correspondingly fine-grained manual surveys of the understory, and thus few studies consider this small-scale variation in understory complexity and instead work with average values on a larger scale. We explored the use of a mobile laser scanning derived understory complexity measure - understory roughness - to predict the capture probability of two representative small mammal species, the yellow-necked mouse and the bank vole. We found a positive relationship between capture probability and understory roughness for both bank voles and yellow-necked mice. Our results suggest that mobile laser scanning is a promising technology for measuring understory complexity at multiple scales in an ecologically meaningful way. Finally, as understanding the patterns of small mammal seed predation mammals on seeding success is a key component in predicting forest regeneration patterns, I investigated these patterns using direct seeding beds and wildlife cameras to record small mammal behaviors. Direct seeding is a commonly used method of managed forest regeneration in Central Europe, where seeds are planted more economically than seedlings, but often with low germination and establishment rates. Seed predation by small mammals is often blamed for low direct seeding success, but this is rarely observed directly. We recorded small mammal behavior on seeding beds of European beech, Norway spruce, and Douglas fir seeds to ascertain the impact of small mammals on direct seeding success in managed forest stands with varying compositions of these three tree species, and counted the number and duration of seed related behaviors per hour. This detailed data allowed me to investigate how small mammals interact with direct seeding beds, and how these patterns vary with population density, seed identity, and stand composition. I found that mice were responsible for nearly all seed interactions, even when the density of voles in a stand was higher. However, my findings suggest a nonlinear relationship between seed removal and mouse density, whereby removal did not appreciably increase once density reached moderate levels. Mice spent more time searching for and interacting with beech seeds than seeds of either conifer across all stands, though unexpectedly the difference in preference narrowed as the proportion of either conifer in a stand increased. These differences in seed preference and behavior rates between seed types and among forest stands depending on their composition have clear management implications: if more beech seeds are removed as compared to conifer seeds, and sown seeds are removed more readily in stands with high proportions of beech trees, this could lead to germination rates that are different than the relative number of seeds sown would suggest.
Keywords: Forestry; Small Mammals; Douglas fir; Norway spruce; European beech; Mobile laser scanning; Understory complexity; Bank vole; Yellow-necked mouse