Browsing Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät by Referee "Kolbe, Lutz M. Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-18 of 18
Activity in Social Media related to Business Events: The Case of Merger Announcements
(2017-01-13)Investors use social media in order to access and exchange information regarding recent events in the business and financial domain. Social media support investors to reduce uncertainty about the implications and the ... -
Adoption and Benefits of Standardized IT Management Processes: IT Executives Perceptions of ITIL and CobiT
(2011-08-31)The aim of this research is to understand how IT executives of different countries implement and perceive IT operational process improvement frameworks. We examine if IT operational frameworks, ... -
Besonderheiten von Produkten aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Wahl effizienter Koordinationsformen in B2B-Geschäftsbeziehungen
(2016-01-26)This thesis investigates the specific characteristics of products from renewable resources and analyses how they affect the choice of efficient coordination mechanisms in business-to-business relationships. Due to the ... -
Decision Support for Credit Risk Management Using Alternative Data
(2023-02-16)The digitization of economic activity of individuals and organizations has been a significant trend in recent decades. This shift creates incentives to collect and process data relevant to the information needs of diverse ... -
Decision Support Systems for Financial Market Surveillance
(2017-01-12)Financial decision support systems have become an important research topic and are also of great interest to practitioners. On one hand, the financial regulatory authorities are faced with tracking an increasing amount of ... -
Does Context Always Matter?
(2025-01-07)The risk of information security breaches in companies is escalating due to the increasing digitalization of business processes and employee activities within their daily work environment. While technical measures can ... -
Essays on Digital Buisiness Strategy Execution in the Financial Services Industry
(2020-01-13)During the last decade, digital technologies became an integral part of our everyday life. This development highlights the phenomenon of digitalization; the sociotechnical impact of digital technologies to transforms entire ... -
Essays on Predictive Analytics in E-Commerce
(2016-08-18)The motivation for this dissertation is a dual one: On the hand it is methodological, as it introduces new statistical and machine learning approaches, on the other hand it is practical, as these approaches are applied to ... -
Information Asymmetries and the Role of Information Intermediaries on Capital Markets
(2022-10-10)Information asymmetries are common characteristics of the relationship between investors and the management of a firm. These asymmetries can lead to inefficient resource allocation and welfare losses. This thesis aims to ... -
Intangible Costs of Data Breach Events
(2018-01-10)The intangible costs of data breach events encompass for instance the loss of investor confidence, reputational damage and loss of competitive advantage. Yet, existing literature sheds light on this phenomenon only to a ... -
Products consisting of materials based on renewable resources: Drivers of purchase intention, consumers' information needs and target groups
(2015-05-20)This thesis is about consumer acceptance of products consisting of materials which are based on renewable resources. The focus is on wood-based materials, including solid wood but also by-products and wood waste, as only ... -
Quantification of Potential Ecological Impacts of Road Transport
(2014-07-28)Throughout the world land use and fragmentation are among the major causes of the de-struction of habitats and the resulting loss of biological diversity. Road use in general and road haulage in particular significantly ... -
Retail Innovation – The User Acceptance of Mobile Service Technologies and the Effect on Retailer
(2019-05-27)The usage of smartphones is on the brink of revolutionizing the way people shop and emphasizes the strategic importance of mobile services for retailers. This holds especial importance for the customer interface design ... -
Studies on Digital Transformation and its Implications for Business Models and Corporate Communication
(2022-10-19)Due to an ongoing digitalization of societies and businesses and an increasingly intense and complex competitive environment, incumbent firms need to stay up to date with technological advancements and digitally transform ... -
Studies on Employees’ Information Security Awareness
(2015-06-15)Living in a digital age, where all kinds of information are accessible electronically at all times, organizations worldwide struggle to keep their information assets secure. It is assumed that 50 - 70 % of overall information ... -
Textual Information in Analyst Reports and its Value for Decision Support
(2023-02-16)The profession of financial analysts requires skills that cannot be replaced even by today’s most cutting-edge analytical tools. Instead, ongoing globalization and the increasing interconnectedness of international financial ... -
The Application of Chatbots at the Digital Workplace in Businesses - Empirical Insights and Design Recommendations for Business Chatbots
(2022-06-17)Driven by the ongoing digitalization, businesses and work procedures change, established paper-based ways of working vanish, and new forms of digital collaboration or office and working structures are emerging. Besides ... -
The Information Value of Unstructured Analyst Opinions
(2017-07-11)Due to the rising importance of information and communication technology in the financial industry the amount of unstructured textual and decision-relevant data that is being analyzed by market participants also continues ...