Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Advisor & Referee "Andreas, Stefan Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 22
Rauchverhalten vor und nach Diagnose und Therapie bei Patient*innen mit oralem Plattenepithelkarzinom
(2024-08-12)Smoking is one of the main risk factors for the development of oral squamous cell carcinoma. Additionally, patients who maintain tobacco consumption after diagnosis and therapy exhibit an increased risk of recurrence, a ... -
Langzeit-EIT-Monitoring als Indikator für die Entstehung eines Lungenödems während maschineller Beatmung im Tierexperiment
(2024-02-02)In the present study, the question of the extent to which long-term EIT monitoring (EIT = electrical impedance tomography) is suitable as an indicator for the development of pulmonary oedema during mechanical VILI ventilation ... -
Grenzwerte der Mechanical Power für die Entstehung einer akuten beatmungsinduzierten Lungenschädigung
(2023-07-05)Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a life-threatening condition characterized by lung failure. Despite intensive research, ARDS mortality remains high. Mechanical ventilation, often required to allow survical, ... -
Lokale Phasenkontrast-Computertomographie - eine neue Strategie für die Lungenbildgebung im Menschen
(2023-07-03)This work demonstrates the testing of propagation-based local phase contrast tomography of the lung on a human size scale using clinically clinically acceptable radiation doses. The microstructure of the lung predestines ... -
Funktionen von Trp53 in der Homöostase des Bronchialepithels und der Kontrolle pulmonaler Entzündungsreaktionen als modellhafte Perspektive auf die COPD
(2021-11-02)The pulmonary epithelia of patients with COPD show an increased expression of TP53 and have higher proliferation and apoptosis rates, compared to healthy individuals. Although, Trp53-deficient mouse lung have higher ... -
Der PEEP und seine Auswirkung auf die mechanische Leistung bei der maschinellen Beatmung
(2021-05-11)PEEP in the context of VILI in mechanical ventilation is assumed to be protective. Theoretical PEEP should be a part of the computation of the applied mechanical power as it is proposed in the concept of ergotrauma and ... -
Prediction of patients’ response to immune checkpoint inhibitors in the treatment of advanced NSCLC
(2021-02-12)Lung cancer is one of the most frequently occurring malignancies at the present time and still the leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide. Checkpoint pathway inhibitors are a family of cancer immunotherapy that has been ... -
Progress versus Pseudoprogress beim Lungenkarzinom unter Immuntherapie
(2020-09-01)Background Checkpoint inhibitor therapy (CIT) has become a new paradigm in second-line treatment of metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). However, monitoring the efficacy during treatment can be challenging due ... -
Interobserver-Agreement zwischen Pneumologen und dem Zytopathologen, die identische TBNA-Ausstriche bewertet haben
(2020-07-02)Introduction: Cytology has become increasingly important in lung cancer as mediastinal staging via EBUS guided TBNA has virtually replaced mediastinoscopy. The aim of this study was to compare two independent cytological ... -
Variation des exspiratorischen Umschaltkriteriums während assistierter Beatmung bei chronisch obstruktiver Lungenerkrankung – Untersuchung der Patient-Ventilator-Interaktion am Lungenmodell
(2015-11-10)Introduction: During pressure support ventilation (PSV) the ventilator cycles to the expiratory phase when the inspiratory flow falls below a predefined percentage of the peak-flow, the off-cycling criterion. In COPD ... -
Wirkungen der Bronchodilatation mit Salmeterol auf das autonome Nervensystem
(2015-05-26)Abstract: Neurohumoral activation is present in COPD and might provide a link between pulmonary and systemic effects, especially cardiovascular disease. Because long acting inhaled β-agonists reduce hyperinflation, they ... -
Diagnostik der Tuberkulose - Bedeutung des γ-Interferon-Tests
(2014-03-03)Despite the fact that 14 million individuals suffer from tuberculosis worldwide, diagnosing tuberculosis still remains challenging and time-consuming while the treatment impairs people for a long time. In 2005, Interferon-γ ... -
Zum Wissensstand von Medizinstudentinnen und -studenten aus Graz und Bratislava zum Thema Tabakrauchen
(2014-01-16)Background: At many universities the issue of smoking and smoking cessation is underrepresented in medical education. It is the aim of this study to investigate in this research area the knowledge of medical students from ... -
Reduzierte Variabilität der Herzfrequenz bei Patienten mit Epilepsie bzw. unter antikonvulsiver Medikation
(2013-08-28)Heart Rate Variability in 152 Patients with Epilepsie or with chronicle pains who received antiepileptic drugs was studied. We used 24 hour ECG, time domaine. There was no significant diffirence between patients and healthy ... -
Prognostische Bedeutung der Mikroneurographie in Bezug auf Morbidität und Mortalität bei chronisch obstruktiver Lungenerkrankung und Herzinsuffizienz
(2013-08-09)Sufferers of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD ) show a demonstrably increased level of sympathetic activity. In the case of diseases (such as heart failure) that are accompanied by sympathetic activation, a ... -
Evaluierung eines Qualitätssicherungsprogramms im interdisziplinären Fachgebiet am Beispiel der Schlafmedizin
(2012-10-26)Due to short financial resources it is essential to establish quality assurance activities to achieve an optimal medical care quality and improved transparency in medicine. On the one hand quality assurance is required by ... -
Prävalenz schlafbezogener Atemstörungen bei Patienten mit Thrombose und Lungenembolie
(2012-07-17)Background: Obstructive sleep apnea is recognized as a risc factor for cardio- and cerebrovascular disease during the last years. The aim was to detect the influence of obstructive sleep apnea on thromboembolic events ... -
Einfluss der atrialen Überstimulation mit zwei Frequenzen auf nächtliche Atemstörungen
(2012-06-20)Atrial overdrive pacing markedly improved sleep disordered breathing in a recent study. Using a single blinded, randomized, crossover design, we aimed to reproduce these findings and investigate the possible underlying ... -
Postoperatives Monitoring der regionalen Lungenventilation durch die Elektrische Impedanztomographie bei Kindern und Jugendlichen mit einem angeborenen Herzfehler
(2012-05-29)The present study investigates the clinical applicability of electrical impedance tomography (EIT) in pediatric patients after cardiac surgery for congenital heart disease on a pediatric intensive care unit. Regional ...