Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Advisor "Havemann-Reinecke, Ursula Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Cannabinoid-induzierte Verhaltensveränderungen unter chronischem psychosozialem Stress im Mausmodell als Analoga cannabinoid-typischer Psychopathologie
(2024-07-31)In the present dissertation, based on the current state of research, the relationship between chronic psychosocial stress and stimulation or blockade of the CB1 receptor is investigated using two animal experimental studies. ... -
Abhängigkeitsschweregrad, Komorbidität und Kognition im Benzodiazepinentzug
(2013-10-10)Addiction, comorbidity and cognition in Patients with benzodiazepine dependence. -
Schizophrene Störungen und Abhängigkeitserkrankungen
(2012-04-26)In the study the question, if there are more diseases of addiction founding by patients with schizophrenia was clear confirmed. Significant higher incidents of nicotine (Addiction of smoking) by patients with schizophrenia ... -
Stationäre 6-Wochen-Psychotherapie für Alkohol- und Medikamentenabhängige - Eine Katamneseuntersuchung
(2011-09-21)Aim: Retrospective investigation into the effects of a 6-week inpatient psychotherapy on alcohol and substance dependency at the University Hospital Göttingen (Germany). Long-term therapy ...