Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Advisor "Schäfer, Katrin Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Rekrutierung von Immunzellen in das perivaskuläre Fettgewebe bei Adipositas – Bedeutung von Leptin
(2018-06-06)Obesity is a well-known risk factor for the development of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases and is associated with hyperleptinemia and a proinflammatory state. Besides the effect of visceral adipose tissue, newer ... -
Untersuchung der systemischen und parakrinen Wirkungen von Leptin auf die Neointimabildung nach experimenteller Gefäßverletzung im Mausmodell
(2016-04-04)Obesity is a very good known risk factor of atherothrombotic complications of the heart and the vessel system. Additionally growing bodyweight and elevated mass of the perivascular adipose tissue (PVAT) and visceral adipose ... -
Effekt einer Tabakentwöhnung auf die Anzahl endothelialer Progenitorzellen und das kardiovaskuläre Risikoprofil
(2016-02-16)Tobacco use is a leading cause of preventable deaths worldwide. The impact of smoking cessation has a big influence in this. Smoking results in morphological and functional changes in the vascular endothelium, the so-called ... -
Die Überexpression der Integrin β5-Untereinheit fördert die proangiogenetischen Fähigkeiten endothelialer Progenitorzellen
(2015-10-09)Angiogenesis is a hallmark of diverse physiological and pathological processes, including ischemia, inflammation, wound healing and tumor growth. The angiogenetic process depends on the proliferation, migration and ... -
Bedeutung der Leptinrezeptor-vermittelten Aktivierung des Transkriptionsfaktors STAT3 für die Effekte des Adipokins Leptin auf Blutplättchen
(2014-10-08)Other studies have shown that the leptin receptor is also expressed on platelets (Nakata et al. 1999) and that leptin dose-dependent promotes platelet aggregation. According to these findings there have been many investigations ... -
Stadien-abhängiger Nachweis von CD14+- und CD16+-Zellen im humanen Herz- und Milzgewebe nach Myokardinfarkt: Eine post-mortem-Analyse
(2014-07-02)Monocytes play an important role in cardiovascular wound healing processes. Human monocytes can be classified into two subsets based on the expression of CD14 and CD16. Here, the temporal and spatial distribution of CD14⁺ ... -
Bedeutung von Urokinase-Plasminogen-Aktivator für das Wachstum und die Stabilität arteriosklerotischer Gefäßläsionen im Apolipoprotein-E-Knockout-Mausmodell
(2013-10-02)Urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) is strongly expressed in atherosclerotic lesions, but the overall effect of the protease on plaque composition and growth remains controversial. In the present study, apolipoprotein ... -
Der Einfluss von Tabakentwöhnung auf die funktionellen Eigenschaften von endothelialen Progenitorzellen.
(2012-04-10)Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the western world and the positive effect of smoking cessation on morbidity and mortality is well known. Endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) participate in ... -
Einfluss körperlichen Übergewichts auf die Entwicklung einer kardialen Hypertrophie und die kardialen Umbauprozesse nach experimenteller Myokardischämie
(2011-09-29)Expeditious activation of the IRS-PI3K1A-AKT signaling pathway may result in physiological cardiac hypertrophy, while constant IRS-PI3K1A-AKT stimulation is also associated with the occurrence of pathological forms of cardiac ...