Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Advisor "Wallbach, Manuel PD Dr."
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Effekte der Barorezeptoraktivierungstherapie auf das Dipping-Verhalten bei Patienten mit therapieresistenter Hypertonie - Eine prospektive Studie mit Non-Dipper-Patienten
(2022-01-25)Non-dipping is defined as an inadequate night-time blood pressure reduction of less than < 10 %. This inadequate reduction as well as an increase in nocturnal blood pressure is associated with an increased cardiovascular ... -
Therapieadhärenz und Arzneimittelwechselwirkungen bei Patienten mit hypertensiver Krise
(2021-05-20)Based on retrospective data and indirect adherence measurements, limited drug adherence is assumed to be a significant factor for the occurrence of hypertensive crisis (HTN-C). Data from direct adherence measurements were ... -
Analyse organoprotektiver Effekte der renalen Denervation zur Behandlung therapierefraktärer arterieller Hypertonie
(2019-04-10)Background: The effectivity of renal denervation relating to the reduction of arterial hypertension could be demonstrated in previous studies. The interventional procedure affects the sympathetic overactivity, a crucial ...