Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Advisor "Zöller, Gerhard Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Strahlenbelastung der Augenlinse bei urologischen Eingriffen am Beispiel der ureterorenoskopischen Steinbehandlung
(2018-09-05)Radiologically guided clinical procedures such as ureteroscopic stone therapy can lead to significant eye lens radiation exposure of clinicians, which can result in radiation-induced cataracts. To objectify the eye lens ... -
Vergleich von monopolarer und bipolarer Präparationstechnik bei der radikaler retropubischer Prostatektomie hinsichtlich Komplikationsrate und perioperativer Morbidität.
(2012-05-16)Comparison of monopolar (80 Patients) versus bipolar (100 Patients) radical retropubic Prostatectomy. Complications and Morbidity. A statistically significant differences were found in less blood loss during surgery by ... -
Intraoperative Strahlenbelastung der Patienten bei der ureterorenoskopischen Steinentfernung
(2011-12-13)The ureterorcopy ist established in urology practice, for example in treatment of urolithiasis. It is used under fluoroscopic guidance. So patients are exposed to radiation while they are ...