Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Referee "Danner, Bernhard C. PD Dr."
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Erfassung der Prognosegüte zweier Scores in Bezug auf kardiochirurgische Patienten
(2017-03-30)Aim of the study was the evaluation of two prognosis scores in relation of predict unsuccessfull resuscitation after cardiac surgery. We examined all datas of patients that underwent cardiac surgery and had cardiac arrest ... -
Therapie der koronaren Dreigefäßerkrankung im Alter (Patienten älter als 75 Jahre)
(2017-03-24)Background: Chronic ischemic heart disease take the first place in cause of death in Germany. The proportion of patients aged 75 years or older amounts to more than 80 %. Due to their growing part of population the medical ... -
Nachweis parodontalpathogener Bakterien-DNA, von Lipopolysaccharid-Binding-Protein (LBP), LBP-Rezeptor (CD14), Makrophagen (CD68) sowie von Herzinsuffizienzmarkern (proBNP NT) im humanen Myokard Ergebnisse einer Pilotstudie
(2016-12-07)Aim of the study: The aim of this pilot study was the verification of a study model with appropriate clinical microbiological protein biochemical as well as immunohistochemical parameters for the clarification of possible ... -
Das Expressionsverhalten von ABCA3 und TTF-1 in nicht-kleinzelligen Bronchialkarzinomen
(2016-08-15)Objectives: Clinical characteristics of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) like poor outcome, high recurrence rates in low tumor stages and only temporary response to chemotherapy are caused by tumor cells with poorly ... -
Inzidenz, Einflussgrößen und Folgen der unbeabsichtigten perioperativen Hypothermie während lungenchirurgischer Operationen: Eine retrospektive Analyse
(2015-09-03)Inadvertent perioperative hypothermia is a common event in the course of surgical interventions and aggravates perioperative morbidity among others by impairment of hemostasis and wound healing. Furthermore, it is associated ... -
Koronare Mikroembolisation am Kaninchenmodell: Simvastatin vermindert die Inflammation und myokardiale Dysfunktion nach koronarer Mikroembolisation
(2013-08-27)Background: Coronary microembolisation (CME) frequently occurs during spontaneous coronary plaque rupture and coronary angioplasty. In experimental studies, CME induces a pronounced inflammatory response that decreases ...