Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Referee "Dellas, Claudia PD Dr."
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Untersuchung des Einflusses von Leptin auf die Thrombozytenfunktion sowie Analyse der Leptin-vermittelten Signalkaskade in Thrombozyten
(2015-03-04)Obesity is an increasing problem in industrial countries. It is an independent risk factor for the development of different diseases like stroke, pulmonary embolism, and myocardial infarction. Cardiovascular diseases are ... -
Klinisch-radiologische Risikostratifizierung von Patienten mit akuter Lungenembolie
(2014-12-19)Background: Acute pulmonary embolism is, to this day, a disease with a significant risk of death. Many attempts have been made to better understand the risk factors for adverse outcome after the diagnosis of pulmonary ... -
Kardiovaskuläre Risikofaktoren bei Patienten mit frischem, nicht-arteriitischem Zentralarterienverschluss - Bedeutung der systematischen Abklärung und Einfluss auf die Therapie
(2014-03-31)Central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO) is an uncommon illness with an acute onset of painless visual loss and a poor prognosis for long-term vision. So far no treatment method has proven to be effective in a prospective ... -
Externe Stabilisierung von Venenbypässen durch Fibrinkleber führt zur Intimahyperplasie und aneurysmatischen Venengraftdegeneration.
(2012-06-18)BACKGROUND AND AIMS: External support of vein grafts by fibrin glue possibly prevents overdistension, vascular remodeling, and neointimal hyperplasia. Previous animal models of neointimal hyperplasia showed conflicting ... -
Blutung aus feuchter altersbedingter Makuladegeneration und Antikoagulation mit Vitamin-K-Antagonisten
(2012-02-02)Introduction: When spontaneous bleeding occurs together with the need for anticoagulant treatment, bleeding complications are predestined. This is exactly the case in patients with wet ... -
Die prognostische Bedeutung der Adipozytokine Leptin und Adiponectin bei der akuten Lungenembolie
(2011-10-04)Background: Leptin and Adiponectin are both adipocytokines. High Leptin is an independent cardiovascular risk factor and exerts prothrombotic effects. In contrast low Adiponectin increases ... -
Einfluss perioperativer Statintherapie auf die postoperative Hämodynamik nach herzchirurgischen Operationen mit Herz-Lungenmaschine
(2011-07-21)Some authors maintain that patients undergoing cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass benefit from intensified perioperative statin therapy concerning the prevention of mortality, ... -
Der Stellenwert von Heart-type Fatty-Acid Binding Protein bei der Risikostratifizierung normotensiver Patienten mit einer akuten Lungenarterienembolie
(2011-05-31)Acute pulmonary embolism is a relatively frequent cardiovascular emergency and a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the population. The risk stratification of normotensive patients with pulmonary embolism on the ...