Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Referee "Fischer, André Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-13 of 13
Methylated circulating DNA as a biomarker for cardiac fibrosis progression and mortality in aortic stenosis patients
(2024-07-15)Aortic stenosis is one of the most common cardiac diseases in the elderly and leads to cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis, and consecutively to heart failure. Currently, there is no causal treatment available instead of ... -
Mikro-RNA-Expression bei der Einschlusskörpermyositis
(2023-08-16)The chronic disease inclusion body myositis belongs to the inflammatory myopathies and is the most common in older age. Muscle weakness and atrophy affect the quality of life of patients. Diagnosis can be made on the basis ... -
Einfluss der RNA-Demethylase FTO auf die Endothelin-1-induzierte Hypertrophie im hiPSC-Kardiomyozytenmodell
(2023-08-04)Heart failure is a common disease with increasing prevalence. The disease significantly affects quality of life, and mortality and morbidity are high. Current therapies cannot stop the progression of the disease. Therefore, ... -
Exercise-induced microRNA modulations and their role in cognition
(2022-09-27)The number of people suffering from dementia is constantly increasing leading to massive long-term economic and social consequences. A healthy lifestyle and physical exercise in particular are well known for their positive ... -
Kardiale Effekte der m6A-Methylierung auf micro-RNA-Bindung
(2022-09-12)Heart failure is a common syndrome and of huge medial relevance. Increased stress levels lead to an enlargement of cardiomyocytes and the heart becomes hypertrophic. This is accompanied by changes in gene expression and ... -
Der Einfluss der Fettsäuresynthese auf die neuronale Schädigung nach Hypoxie und zerebraler Ischämie
(2022-04-22)In the context of a stroke, a cascade of reactions is induced at the cellular level, resulting in inflammation and apoptosis. Fatty acids play a pivotal role in cell metabolism - they can be generated de novo from carbon ... -
Der Einfluss von (-)-Δ9-trans- Tetrahydrocannabinol und Cannabidiol auf die Alzheimer-Pathologie im 5XFAD-Mausmodell
(2021-12-06)The aim of the present work was to investigate the therapeutic influence of THC and CBD regarding behavioral changes, amyloid plaque pathology, neuroinflammation and CB1 receptor expression using the common Alzheimer’s ... -
Analyse neuroprotektiver und neuroregenerativer Mechanismen nach Applikation ektoper miRNA-124 am Schlaganfallmodell der Maus
(2018-01-15)Stroke is a disease with major implications for the patients. Due to a small time window and many contraindications only few patients get treatment with thrombolysis. In search of new therapeutic strategies the focus lies ... -
Bedeutung einer Beeinträchtigung der D2- und D3-vermittelten dopaminergen Transmission für die motorische Aktivität und das motorische Lernverhalten im Mausmodell
(2015-06-29)We investigated the locomotor activity and motor learning in running wheel experiments in mice under influence of the dopaminergic system. We evaluated an impairment of the D2 function by using knockout mice and after ... -
MicroRNA-Regulation in experimenteller autoimmuner Enzephalomyelitis im Vergleich mit Multiple Sklerose-Läsionen
(2014-09-08)Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system and the most common cause of acquired disability in young adults. Histopathological hallmarks of MS are focal lesions ... -
Immunreaktionen im zentralen Nervensystem bei Stimulation mit Bestandteilen von Borrelia burgdorferi
(2014-01-06)Stimulation of the CNS in vivo and in vitro with proteins from Borrelia burgdorferi. -
Einfluss einer intrazerebralen Infektion mit Escherichia coli auf den Verlauf der Alzheimer-Demenz im Mausmodell
(2013-06-24)Bacterial infections often worsen the existing neurological symptoms of patients with neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer´s disease. Not only the acute consequences in the sense of a delirium but also the long-term ... -
Zur Funktion des zellulären Prion-Proteins: eine Verhaltensstudie
(2012-11-07)Cellular prion protein (PrPc) is a multifunctional protein whose exact physiological role has not yet been completely understood. The present behavioral study investigated whether PrPc has an influence on the behavior in ...