Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Referee "Hünlich, Mark PD Dr."
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Untersuchung der Assoziation zwischen Dopplerkurvencharakteristika der extrakraniellen, hirnversorgenden Gefäße und Aortenklappenvitien
(2024-09-06)Stroke is a common illness, particularly among older people, and in times of demographic change causes high costs for the healthcare system. A common risk factor for a stroke is thromboembolism, which can arise, for example, ... -
Langzeitergebnisse eines interventionellen Vorhofohrverschlusses durch einen AMPLATZER-LAA-Okkluder in einem Hochrisikokollektiv
(2024-01-04)LAA occlusion with the Amplatzer devices - long term outcomes in a high-risk cohort LAA ooclusion is a favorable therapeutic option in patients with atrial fibrillation and contra-indications for oral anticoagulation ... -
Beziehungen von positivem Affekt und Persönlichkeitsressourcen zu kardiologischen Untersuchungsergebnissen in einem kardiologischen Patientenkollektiv
(2016-10-17)The clinical sample included 1250 outpatients who were collected by the large German project “Research network heart failure” in the year 2005. To enter the study they had to present at least one risk factor for heart ...