Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Referee "Neeße, Albrecht PD Dr. Dr."
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Die transpankreatische Pankreatojejunostomie nach partieller Duodenopankreatektomie in einem Haus der Grund- und Regelversorgung.
(2017-12-20)Pancreatic surgery is among the most challenging areas in the surgery, moreover the partial pancreaticoduodenectomy is an intervention that not every surgeon can list in his surgical portfolio. The "Achilles heel" of this ... -
Die Wirkung des kompetitiven Gastrin-releasing peptide-(GRP-) -Antagonisten RC 3095 auf das Wachstumsverhalten im Modell experimentell induzierter orthotoper Nierenzellkarzinome – Analyse mittels Volumencomputertomographie (VCT)
(2017-08-21)Despite the use of new drugs, renal tumours are still difficult to treat during the metastatic stage and have an unfavourable prognosis. Consequently, it makes sense to study new therapeutic paths in an animal model. In ... -
Die Rolle des FK506 bei der Expression des BMP-Rezeptors BMPR1A
(2017-04-04)Chronic progressive kidney disease (CKD) represents an unsolved worldwide biomedical challenge because of lacking effective therapy strategies. At current state, only BMP7 and its chemically developed analogues reveal a ...