Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Referee "Weishaupt, Jochen Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Synaptic Vesicles, Mitochondria, and Actin Alterations in SMN-deficient Mice
(2015-05-22)Proximal spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by degeneration of the second motor neurons and progressive paralysis with atrophy of the proximal muscles. After cystic fibrosis, SMA ... -
Einfluss des Proteinaggregationshemmstoffs anle138b auf Beginn und Verlauf der Amyotrophen Lateralsklerose im transgenen hSOD1-Mausmodell
(2014-05-06)1. Review Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disease in which the degeneration of the first and the second motor neuron is responsible for spastic and atonic paresis. The incidence of ALS is 2 of ... -
Untersuchungen der Mechanismen kortikaler Neuroplastizität und Exzitabilität durch niederfrequente rTMS und dopaminerges Pharmakon - Eine doppelblinde und placebokontrollierte Probandenstudie
(2010-02-13)Experiments in animal models suggest that neuronal plasticity can be enhanced by dopaminergic receptor activation. The present study tested whether stimulation-induced plasticity of human ... -
Magnetresonanztomographische Untersuchung der Hirnnerven- Anatomie unter Verwendung von Volumensequenzen bei 3 Tesla
(2010-01-12)A protocol for 3D Magnetic Resonance Imaging of cranial nerves I-XII at 3 Tesla and a post-processing protocol for visualization of their intracranial course is presented. Based on high resolution data acquisition ... -
Warum informieren sich Kopfschmerzpatienten im Internet?
(2009-04-20)Context: Headache is a common reason to visit the general medical practice and can appear in different forms and contexts. Especially migraine and chronic cluster headache have a major ...