Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor "Gradstein, Robbert Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Epiphyte diversity and microclimate of the tropical lowland cloud forest in French Guiana
(2013-11-06)Lowland cloud forests are well known from temperate regions, e.g. the coasts of California and northern Chile (Bruijnzeel 2001), but in the Tropics have remained uninvestigated. We tested the hypothesis that tropical ... -
Epiphytic bryophytes in natural forests and cacao agroforests of Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
(2009-06-29)This dissertation consists of several studies on the epiphytic bryophyte flora in natural forest sites and shaded cacao agroforests in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Agroforests can harbor ... -
Effects of human disturbance on epiphyte assemblages in the Andes of Ecuador
(2009-03-04)The present dissertation aims at contributing to our understanding of the processes that determine epiphyte diversity in anthropogenic landscapes. At a dry forest site, epiphytic ... -
Bryophyte and macrolichen diversity of the Purdiaea nutans forest in southern Ecuador and its relationship to soil, climate and vegetation structure
(2008-10-02)This study confirms that the unique Purdiaea nutans forest in the upper montane belt of the Reserva Biologíca San Francisco in southern Ecuador is an azonal ridge vegetation type. Our ... -
Effekte anthropogener Störung auf die Diversität kryptogamischer Epiphyten (Flechten, Moose) in einem Bergregenwald in Südecuador
(2005-06-06)Cryptogamic epiphytes (lichens, bryophytes) are distinctive components of tropical montane rain forests in terms of abundance and species richness, and play an important role in ... -
Diversity and Ecology of Bryophytes and Macrolichens in Primary and Secondary Montane Quercus Forests, Cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica
(2004-07-06)Aspects dealt with in this study are the diversity and biogeography of bryophytes, the distribution patterns of life forms and species in microhabitats and along ecological gradients, ... -
Taxonomic revision of the genus <Sticherus> (Gleicheniaceae - Pteridophyta) in the Neotropics
(2003-11-24)Sticherus (Gleicheniaceae, Pteridophyta) is a pantropical genus of about 95 species, characterized by dormant buds with scales, 1-forked veinlets in the segments, (2)3-5(7) sporangia per sorus, and pinnatifid or pinnate ... -
The Genus Ceratolejeunea Jack & Steph. (Hepaticae: Lejeuneaceae) in Tropical America
(2000-12-13)The genus Ceratolejeunea Jack & Steph. (Hepaticae: Lejeuneaceae) in Tropical America. Gregorio Dauphin L. Albrecht-von-Haller-Institut für Pflanzenwissenchaften, Abt. Systematische Botanik Untere Karspüle 2, D-37073 ...