Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Referee "Mattler, Uwe Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-13 of 13
Flip - Reading processes when reading mirrored script
(2023-03-03)There is a common consensus that orthographic processing is deeply rooted in the structure of the visual system. One central aspect that is particularly important in visual processing is mirror-generalization, which is the ... -
Phonological and Semantic Overlap Between Words: Effects on Recognition of Familiar and Recently Acquired Words in Early Childhood
(2022-04-14)Classical research on word recognition describes how when adult participants are presented with pairs of words that share phonemes or belong to the same semantic category, the processing of the second word is facilitated ... -
Spatial and temporal dependencies of the motion bridging effect: Investigations of an illusory motion
(2020-05-27)The Motion Bridging Effect (MBE) is a visual illusion in which a motion that is not consciously visible creates a visible illusionary movement in a preceding or succeeding stationary ring of points. In the initial MBE study ... -
Spatial vegetation ecology: Understanding the ecosystem processes that influence plant diversity patterns at different spatial scales
(2019-09-10)The present thesis is based on a set of 16 peer-reviewed publications originating from ecological research work aimed at understanding how ecosystem processes may influence plant diversity patterns at different spatial ... -
Phenomenological considerations of metacontrast masking
(2019-04-24)This thesis enriches the understanding of metacontrast masking as multidimensional phenomenon on the basis of phenomenological, behavioral as well as neurophysiological data. The phenomenological investigations (Experiment ... -
Interferences of visual masks with semantic and perceptual priming effects
(2018-08-14)Many studies demonstrate that visual stimuli can be processed even if they are not consciously perceived. These studies show that unconscious stimuli can be processed – amongst other things – in terms of their shape, color, ... -
Attention shift and remapping across saccades
(2017-03-15)Humans and monkeys make two to three saccades per second on average when they are awake, and they are able to keep track of relevant visual stimuli while making saccadic eye-movements to scan a visual scene. Since the ... -
Inter-Individual Differences as Instrument to Investigate the Mechanisms in Metacontrast Masking
(2016-10-11)In metacontrast masking the visibility of the first stimulus (the target) is reduced due to the appearance of the second stimulus (the mask). Two masking functions mainly occur: "Type A", when visibility is increasing ... -
Approaching Consciousness with Masked Priming
(2014-10-28)Masked Priming is an established paradigm to investigate consciousness. The impact of prime visibility on specific priming effects determines whether associated processes can occur independently of consciousness or might ... -
Spatial Cue-Priming: Effects of Masked Cue Stimuli on Endogenous Visual Spatial Attention
(2013-10-09)Recent research in cognitive neuroscience has examined the relationship of consciousness and attention. On the one hand, it remains a debated topic whether attention is a necessary precondition for consciousness; on the ... -
Low Intensity Transcranial Electrical Stimulation: Effects on Categorization and Methodological Aspects
(2012-08-02)Low intensity transcranial electrical stimulation (tES) not only offers the possibility of clinical intervention in neurological disorders and conditions, but also provides us with a powerful research tool for understanding ... -
A Taxonomy of Inverse Priming Based on Stimulus Characteristics
(2011-11-28)One intriguing question in cognitive neuroscience is whether subliminal stimuli can affect overt behavior. A straightforward experimental approach to demonstrate effects of subliminal stimuli ... -
Effekte maskierter visueller Stimuli auf die Ausführung von konkurrierenden motorischen Reaktionen und kognitiven Aufgaben
(2011-06-06)The masked priming paradigm is an often used method to investigate to what extent unconscious information can affect human behavior. In masked priming a poorly visible prime is followed by ...