Browsing Kulturanthropologie by Advisor & Referee "Bendix, Regina Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Gewalt gegen syrische Frauen: Eine Feldstudie über die Lebensverhältnisse der syrischen Frauen im Flüchtlingslager Zaatari in Al-Mafrag, Jordanien
(2024-08-09)This Chapter analyzes the living conditions of female Syrian refugees at the largest camp in this world “Zaatari” from a gender perspective, specifically addressing the violence towards women. This research discusses the ... -
The Politics of Dance and The Poetics of Space: Kurdish Dances in Germany
(2023-05-23)Due to intellectual property rights the abstract of this work is not availabe online. -
Humanitäres Regieren und die Flucht aus Syrien. Ethnographische Untersuchungen zum Migrations- und Grenzregime im Libanon
(2021-01-06)This cumulative dissertation examines current developments in dealing with displacement from Syria and focuses on the role of humanitarianism in the migration and border regime. In doing so, it researches in particular two ... -
Wege ins Erwachsenenleben
(2012-09-24)This book contains one of the few long-term studies about young people and their integration into the world of grown-ups and into the economy. A school-class in north-western Switzerland is 2003 in it's last year. The ...