Browsing Fakultät für Forstwissenschaften und Waldökologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Issue Date
Now showing items 41-60 of 393
MDF Recycling: Recovering fibres from fibreboards for further material utilisation with a focus on the chemical and morphological alteration of the recovered fibres
(2023-02-01)The present research was performed within the scopes of the DFG Research Training Group 1703 “Resource Efficiency in Interorganizational Networks” and AiF Project GmbH (project No. 16KN065229), which aims at developing a ... -
Investigation of the effects of raw material density and molecular weight of phenolic binders on the properties of lightweight panels based on Paulownia wood
(2023-01-03)Abstract This thesis focuses on different production process conditions of strand boards (SBs), especially with wood species (Paulownia tomentosa) by various adhesive binders (pMDI) and their influence on the properties ... -
Overcoming Limitations in Biodiversity Data
(2022-12-02)Large-scale biodiversity data drive the research of the variation and interdependence among living organisms that sustain life. Taxonomic and point-occurrence validity of species, sample completeness, and consistency are ... -
Growth, hydraulics and functional traits of Melia dubia across a steep climatic gradient in southern India
(2022-11-16)The global demand for wood has been continuously increasing and the world is also witnessing large-scale deforestation. This is largely contributing to global warming, land degradation and biodiversity loss. Quite a large ... -
Consequences of enriching European beech forests with non-native Douglas fir for generalist arthropod predator diversity, abundance and pest control
(2022-10-27)As anthropogenic climate induced stress leads to biodiversity loss and an increase in the frequency and severity of pest outbreaks, forest management in Central Europe is looking for ways to balance demands of biodiversity ... -
Vorschläge zur Optimierung/Verbesserung der genetischen Qualität von Saatgut aus Erntebeständen bei den Eichenarten (Quercus robur L. & Quercus petraea [Matt.] Lieb.)
(2022-10-27)Climate models predict drier and warmer summer months and increasingly frequent drought events. As a more climate-resilient tree species, oak will therefore become much more important than other deciduous trees and even ... -
Herstellung von Holzfaserdämmstoffen auf Laub- und Nadelholzbasis mit dem Fokus auf der Fasercharakterisierung, sowie der Ermittlung der physikalischen, mechanischen und biologischen Eigenschaften
(2022-10-19)The objective of this work was to investigate the use of hardwood fibres for the production of wood fibre insulation materials in order to provide a broader range of raw materials against the background of ecological forest ... -
Distribution, ecology and conservation priorities of the critically endangered Balkan lynx (Lynx lynx balcanicus Bureš, 1941)
(2022-10-11)Large-bodied mammals require large space for their daily activities, sometimes causing conflicts with humans. Although Europe’s policy ushered the comeback of herbivores and large carnivores, the overcrowded continent ... -
Unlocking proteomic and ecological heterogeneity between Schizophyllum commune and Trametes versicolor as early sapwood colonizers on wood
(2022-08-12)Fungi are an essential part of forest ecosystems and wood decay fungi play key roles in degradation of wood and in nutrient recycling. The complete degradation of wood by a single fungal species is a challenge due to the ... -
Konzeption eines „smarten“ betrieblichen Flächenmanagementsystems für den kleineren Nicht-Staatswald
(2022-08-11)Forestry land of private ownership is mainly classified as business assets for income tax purposes. Accordingly, forest ownership is sufficient for the assumption of a business activity, regardless of management measures. ... -
N-Containing Biomass for the Sustainable Synthesis of N-Heterocycles via Cyclization Reactions
(2022-07-22)The N-containing compounds from biomass, including chitin, chitosan and D-glucosamine, are one of the largest sustainable native biobased materials on earth. Human processing of the sustainable chitin/chitosan/D-glucosam ... -
Fungi for the production of new types of biomaterials
(2022-07-01)Wood-decaying saprotrophic fungi of the phylum Basidiomycota occur almost ubiquitously. Due to their ability to degrade lignin, hemicellulose and cellulose, especially white-rot fungi are among the most important destroyer ... -
Materials Design and Engineering for High Energy-Density Rechargeable Zinc-air Batteries
(2022-06-09)The growing demands for energy and the associated environmental pollution have sparked a great deal of interest in the development of clean energy technologies including fuel cells, metal-air batteries, supercapacitors, ... -
Responses of net primary production and plant-available soil nutrients to elevated nutrient input in a tropical forest on highly weathered soil
(2022-06-07)Globally, tropical forests are highly productive ecosystems and play a critical role in sequestering anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere, accounting for up to half of the terrestrial biosphere’s carbon ... -
Impregnation of railway sleepers - Process optimisation by using an oily wood preservative and a mechanical pre-treatment
(2022-05-31)The use of creosote as a wood preservative has a long history. For more than 170 years wooden railway sleepers are impregnated with creosote. After initially using vacuum pressure processes for impregnation, empty cell ... -
Influence of mycorrhiza on nutrient physiology of trees in mixed and mono-specific stands along climatic and land use gradients
(2022-05-25)Global change drivers such as climate change, land-use change, anthropogenic N deposition, deteriorating P nutrition and other calamities jeopardize temperate forest ecosystem functions. Essential components for the ... -
Modelling, management and restoration of savannas in southern Africa
(2022-05-10)Context - Bush encroachment has been observed in southern African savannas for several decades. This form of land degradation reduces the abundance of (palatable) grass biomass on farms, which in turn can support less ... -
Soil greenhouse gas (N2O, CO2 and CH4) fluxes from cropland agroforestry and monoculture systems
(2022-04-28)Conventional agriculture is the dominant contributor to negative environmental impacts such as the growth in global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and the challenges are likely to increase with the increasing global food ... -
Quantifying three-dimensional stand structure of European beech forests along a management gradient
(2022-04-26)Forest structure is of functional importance for ecosystem stability and resilience, as well as for numerous other ecosystem functions and services. In this context, a high structural complexity can have a positive effect ... -
Fruiting body development of Coprinopsis cinerea: Cytology and regulatory factors
(2022-04-11)Coprinopsis cinerea, the gray shagged ink-cap, is a saprotrophic edible basidiomycete that naturally grows on horse dung. Despite richness in nutrients, the typical fast autolysis of the cap of the mushroom during maturation ...