Browsing Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik (inkl. GAUSS) by Referee "Morgenstern, Burkhard Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-12 of 12
Alignment-free Phylogeny Reconstruction Based On Quartet Trees
(2020-03-11)Traditional methods for phylogeny reconstruction are based on multiple sequence alignments and character-based methods. This combination of computationally expensive methods leads to very accurate results, but it is ... -
Analysis of expression profile and gene variation via development of methods for Next Generation Sequencing data
(2018-11-27)Since the last ten to twenty years, the cost of sequencing the human genome decreased continuously. Therefore the interest in RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) rose as it can be used to discover the molecular mechanisms behind ... -
Development of novel analysis and data integration systems to understand human gene regulation
(2018-06-27)Abstract: This thesis covers a very broad range of bioinformatics methods ranging from the development of the analysis pipeline to the data integration and development of an expression atlas (database and web application ... -
Interpretable Binary and Multiclass Prediction Models for Insolvencies and Credit Ratings
(2016-06-10)Insolvency prediction and credit rating are challenging tasks used to evaluate the creditworthiness of commercial enterprises based on qualitative and quantitative attributes. One way to approach these tasks is machine ... -
Development and application of ontologies for biological applications
(2016-02-08)In the century of information technology automatic processing of knowledge is evolving to be a crucial challenge. However, it is usually not obvious to extract information from the syntax of texts. Hence, ontologies are ... -
Application of A Novel Triclustering Method in Analyzing Three Dimensional Transcriptomics Data
(2015-06-19)Due to the advancement of microarray technology over the last decade, it is feasible to monitor the gene expression dynamics not only over a set of replicates but also either a set of time points or doses of chemical ... -
Detektion und Analyse synergistischer Einflüsse multipler Stimuli auf zelluläre Signaltransduktionsnetzwerke in Säugetieren
(2013-11-21)Simultaneously working signals affect the behavior of organisms at systems level. Different signals have to be integrated and evaluated simultaneously by the cell. Synergistic interactions are one possibility how a cell ... -
Improvement of the jpHMM approach to recombination detection in viral genomes and its application to HIV and HBV
(2011-08-08)Accurate virus genotyping and the detection of recombinant strains are of crucial importance for understanding viral evolution as well as the design of potential vaccines and treatment ... -
Probabilistic Methods for Computational Annotation of Genomic Sequences
(2011-02-04)New sequencing techniques have increased enormously the speed that new genomic sequences are produced. As manual inspection is impossible for this amount of data, there is an ongoing ... -
Die Konvergenz von Bioinformatik und Medizinischer Informatik
(2009-09-17)In Biomedicine new diagnostic procedures such as high-throughput technologies will lead to the increasing integration of genomic data in clinical decision making. Thus the disciplines of ... -
Alignmentfreie Analyse von Proteinsequenzen mit Verfahren des maschinellen Lernens
(2008-10-08)Currently, alignment-based methods are routinely used for functional characterization of novel protein sequences. However, these methods are computationally demanding for large sequence ... -
Gene Prediction with a Hidden Markov Model
(2004-02-11)Annotation of the large and rapidly increasing amount of genomic sequence data requires computational tools for finding genes in DNA sequences. This thesis presents a computational method ...