Browsing Fakultät für Physik (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor "Frey, Ariane Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Measurement of the Branching Ratio $B \to D^{**} \ell \nu_{\ell}$ using the hadronic Full Event Interpretation with Belle II Data
(2024-07-17)The Belle II detector is situated at the asymmetric $e^{-}e^{+}$ collider SuperKEKB at KEK in Tsukuba in Japan, which operates with an energy slightly above the mass of the Y(4S) resonance. As a result, pairs of B mesons ... -
Characterisation of CMOS Sensors for the Belle II Vertex Detector Upgrade
(2024-07-12)The Belle II experiment at KEK in Japan plans to upgrade the SuperKEKB accelerator by the end of the decade. This gives rise to the opportunity to upgrade the current vertex detector system to address the high background ... -
Measurement of the branching fractions of the semileptonic decays B+ → ηlν and B+ → η′lν with signal-side only reconstruction at the Belle experiment
(2021-11-25)This thesis presents a measurement of the branching fractions of the decays B+ → ηlν and B+ → η'lν. The entire data sample collected by the Belle experiment at the energy of the Υ(4S) resonance is used, which contains ... -
Characterisation, optimisation and performance studies of pixel vertex detector modules for the Belle II experiment
(2021-10-13)The Standard Model of particle physics is very successful in describing the fundamental particles and their interactions. Still, some questions regarding the details and input parameters of the theory, as well as regarding ... -
Commissioning and first data taking experience with the Belle II pixel vertex detector
(2020-07-01)The Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB particle accelerator at KEK in Tsukuba (Japan) is the successor to the Belle experiment, which played a crucial role in the discovery of CP violation in the B-Meson system. The ... -
Radiation length measurements with high-resolution telescopes
(2019-08-27)The radiation length imaging method presented in this work can be used to conduct spatially resolved measurements of scattering angles of particles traversing a object under study. For the measurements a planar object is ... -
Measurement of B-> pi pi l nu with Full Hadronic Reconstruction at Belle
(2018-12-03)This thesis presents an analysis of the exclusive $B\to\pi^{+}\pi^{-}\ell\nu_{\ell}$ decay, where $\ell$ represents an electron or a muon. The analysis uses the complete $\Upsilon(4S)$ data sample collected by the Belle ... -
Search for B → π τ ν with hadronic tagging at Belle
(2015-11-24)A search for the decay B → π τ ν is presented. The search is performed on the full Belle data set containing 772E6 B anti-B pairs, collected at the Y(4s) resonance with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric energy e+e- ... -
Branching Fraction Measurement of B± → χc1π+π−K± and Search for a Narrow Resonance with the Belle Experiment
(2014-12-09)The effective QCD colour potential can be derived by studying quarkonia through spectroscopy to determine their masses. In the charmonium spectrum, which is well understood and precisely measured below the DDbar production ... -
Development and validation of a model for the response of the Belle II vertex detector
(2014-11-06)The future super flavour factory SuperKEKB with its detector system Belle II offers precision physics measurements to test the Standard Model or probe undiscovered phenomena. The physics goals of Belle II require a very ...