Browsing Fakultät für Physik (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor "Seibt, Michael PD Dr."
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Concentrations and Reactions of Iron in Crystalline Silicon after Aluminum Gettering
(2012-03-06)The purity of silicon starting materials and its contamination by several metal impurities are considered to be the major concern in silicon photovoltaics. Minute concentrations of impurities ... -
Transmissionselektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen zur Koausscheidung von Übergangselementen in kristallinem Silizium
(2009-07-14)Multi-crystalline solar cell silicon is contaminated with a variety of transition metal impurities like copper, nickel and iron. Metallic contaminants enhance the recombination rate of ... -
Wechselwirkungen von Gold und Versetzungen in Silizium
(2009-06-04)The knowledge about interactions of different defects in crystalline sillicon are of major importance for the optimisation of the performance of solar cells based on multicrystalline silicon. ... -
Strukturelle Untersuchung der amorph/kristallinen Grenzfläche mittels quantitativer hochauflösender Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie an den Systemen a-Si/c-Si und a-Ge/c-Si
(2006-12-11)In this Thesis the interfaces between covalently bonded crystalline and amorphous materials were studied with regard to the induced ordering in the amorphous material in the interfacial ... -
Mikrostrukturelle Untersuchungen an Mangan-dotiertem Galliumnitrid mittels fortgeschrittener Methoden der hochauflösenden und analytischen Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie
(2006-12-06)The magnetic properties of a diluted magnetic semiconductor depend on the microstructure of the material. In this work transmission electron microscopy was applied to Mn-doped GaN to ...