Browsing Fakultät für Physik (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor "Seibt, Michael Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Electronic and Structural Properties of Heterojunctions in Solar Cells studied by In-situ and Analytical Transmission Electron Microscopy
(2023-11-03)The overarching goal of this dissertation is to investigate new principals to increase photovoltaic efficiency. In this context, three topics are presented, one concerning the application of carrier selective contacts ... -
Microstructural Investigations of Epitaxial GaN Films Grown on MgF2 using Transmission Electron Microscopy
(2023-10-27)For the development of novel solar-blind UV multichannel plate detectors planned for applications in astronomy, it would be advantageous to grow GaN acting as the photocathode directly on a typical window material like ... -
Structural and Electronic Investigation of Strongly Correlated Transition Metal Oxide Perovskite Thin Films and Interfaces using In-situ Transmission Electron Microscopy
(2021-09-09)Discussing the necessity as well as possible details of global strategies to reduce and eventually eliminate the anthropogenic climate change (ACC) is a delicate matter, which easily leads to statements based on ... -
Defect reaction paths of nickel in float zone silicon controlled by non-equilibrium vacancies
(2020-02-06)This thesis investigates how defect reaction paths of nickel in float zone silicon can be controlled by non-equilibrium vacancy concentrations. Three different aspects have been studied in detail. The temperature-dependent ... -
Implementation and quantification of scanning transmission EBIC experiments for measuring nanometer diffusion lengths in manganite-titanite p-n heterojunctions
(2019-01-08)The scanning transmission electron beam induced current (STEBIC) approach to measure charge carrier diffusion lengths in the nanometer range in 3rd generation photovoltaics devices is presented, evaluated and applied to ... -
The microstructural investigation of continuous-wave laser irradiated silicon rich silicon oxide
(2017-12-21)In this thesis, we systematically studied optical and structural properties of continuous wave laser irradiated silicon rich silicon oxide by a series of characterization methods: AFM, micro-Raman, micro-PL, HCDF, HRTEM, ... -
Metal Impurity Redistribution in Crystalline Silicon for Photovoltaic Application
(2014-11-14)Multicrystalline silicon, which is among the most common materials for solar cells [3], contains extended defects like grain boundaries and dislocations and a high amount of metal impurities potentially reducing the solar ... -
Hochauflösende mikroskopische und spektroskopische Untersuchungen zur strukturellen Ordnung an MgO-CoFeB-Grenzflächen
(2014-11-04)Magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJ), with crystalline MgO tunnel barrier sandwiched between amorphous CoFeB electrodes, received much attention due to their high tunnel magneto resistance (TMR) and flexible integration into ...