Browsing Fakultät für Physik (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor "Volkert, Cynthia A. Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-12 of 12
Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchung des Einflusses elektrischer Felder auf das Sinterverhalten von Oxidkeramiken
(2023-11-09)Despite the wide application potential of flash sintering for processing ceramic materials, the physical origins of the effect remain unclear. Therefore, the primary objective of this work is to gain a deeper understanding ... -
Structure Investigations of LiMn2O4 as Oxygen Evolution Reaction Catalyst
(2023-09-15)The catalytic activity of a material is determined by the electronic structure and atomic arrangements at its surface. In particular, eg occupancy of octahedral cations has been found to be a successful descriptor of the ... -
In-situ lithiation of lithium manganese oxide in a transmission electron microscope
(2023-03-15)This thesis presents in-situ studies of the lithiation of lithium manganese oxide in a transmission electron microscope. It focuses on the phase transitions from spinel to tetragonal phase and the role of defects on ... -
Verformungsverhalten nanoskaliger Dünnschichten bei AFM-Indentierung
(2023-02-20)Nanoscaled materials differ in their mechanical properties from their bulk counterparts. Reasons therefore are e. g. the different ratio of surface and volume, which leads to different deformation mechanisms. In the case ... -
Nanoscale Friction Measurements on Manganite Thin Films: Which Material Properties are Important?
(2023-01-05)Although the phenomenon of friction has been known to mankind for millennia, the underlying mechanisms that ultimately lead to the conversion of kinetic/mechanical energy into heat remain unclear. Based on Bowden and Tabor's ... -
Beziehung zwischen Struktur und Bruchzähigkeit von Holzzellwänden
(2020-08-12)Wood has very good specific mechanical properties. This is mainly caused by its hierarchical structure, since wood is a composite of polymers that have much worse specific mechanical properties than wood. The relation ... -
Untersuchung der Versetzungsnukleation in Gold-Nanodrähten durch in-situ Elektronenmikroskopie
(2016-05-25)The mechanical properties of a material play a decisive role for possible applications. Nanoscale metals have long been known to show different mechanical properties than their bulk counterpart. In bulk metals the deformation ... -
In-situ Bruchversuche an amorph/kristallinen Multilagen im Transmissionselektronenmikroskop
(2015-11-26)In this thesis, in-situ fracture tests on amorphous/crystalline multilayers with layer thicknesses of less than 100 nm have been performed inside a transmission electron microscope. In this experiments, the layer thickness ... -
Mechanische Eigenschaften von Lithiumionen Batterieelektrodenmaterialien bei verschiedenen Ladezuständen
(2015-08-14)Due to significant volume changes of lithium ion battery electrode materials under operation, it is essential to understand the mechanical behavior of these materials. On the one hand there still are open questions about ... -
Mechanismen und Größeneffekte von Ermüdungsschädigungen in dünnen Kupfer filmen bei sehr hohen Zyklenzahlen
(2013-05-17)Thin metal films show completely different fatigue behavior than bulk metals. The films have longer fatigue lives and instead of extrusions and complex dislocation structures, they form interface cracks and isolated ... -
Mechanische Eigenschaften kristallin-amorpher Schichtpakete
(2013-01-11)Micromechanical characterization by Berkovich nanoindentation and uniaxial microcompression tests has been performed on multilayered films consisting of three different material combinations - Ti/ZrO2, Cu/PdSi und Cu/PC – ... -
In-situ Zugversuche an einkristallinen Gold-Nanodrähten im TEM
(2012-11-29)The investigation of size dependent mechanical properties of different materials was of great interest for physicists over the past decades. Whereas the deformation of bulk materials is nearly completely understood and the ...