Browsing Fakultät für Physik (inkl. GAUSS) by Referee "Solanki, Sami Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Inferring atomic line parameters from solar spectra
(2024-09-19)The proximity of the Earth to the Sun offers a unique opportunity to study different plasma phenomena that occur in its atmosphere, which are unattainable in plasma laboratories. Advances in the instruments used for solar ... -
Analysis of solar faculae using stray-light-corrected spectropolarimetric data and numerical simulations
(2022-04-28)The objective of this thesis is to develop methods to improve the quality of restored ground-based observations, and to use such restored observations, along with 3D radiative MHD simulations, to study the properties of ... -
Realistic MHD simulations of spots on cool main-sequence stars
(2021-08-09)Sunspots are cool, dark features on the solar surface consisting of two distinct parts - the inner dark umbra and its surrounding brighter, filamentary penumbra. Strong, nearly vertical magnetic fields found in the umbra ... -
Understanding the brightness variations of Sun-like stars on timescales of stellar rotation
(2021-01-21)Solar brightness varies on timescales from minutes to decades. In particular, the observed photometric variability can directly relate to the rotation period. Our understanding of this link allows extrapolations from the ... -
Brightness Contrast of Solar Magnetic Elements Observed by Sunrise
(2019-06-13)The irradiance of the Sun is modulated on all time scales. Small-scale solar magnetic elements composed of quiet-Sun network and active region plages contribute to this modulation on solar cycle time scales. The evaluation ... -
Analysis of small scale solar magnetic fields using Hinode SOT/SP
(2014-07-23)This thesis presents an analysis of small magnetic structures found in the solar photosphere. All the work presented in the following chapters is primarily based on data obtained from the spectropolarimeter aboard the ... -
Multi-wavelength Observations of Coronal Waves and Oscillations in Association with Solar Eruptions
(2011-08-11)This thesis presents an observational study of the relationship between flares and filament eruptions, and associated waves and oscillations in flare loops and ambient corona. A detailed ... -
Zeeman tomography of magnetic white dwarfs
(2006-10-12)The aim of this work has been to develop a method that allows to derive the distribution of the surface magnetic fields of magnetic white dwarfs from a set of rotation-phase resolved flux ...