Essays on Digital Buisiness Strategy Execution in the Financial Services Industry
von Timo Weinrich
Datum der mündl. Prüfung:2018-05-07
Betreuer:Prof. Dr. Jan Muntermann
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Jan Muntermann
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Lutz M. Kolbe
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Matthias Schumann
During the last decade, digital technologies became an integral part of our everyday life. This development highlights the phenomenon of digitalization; the sociotechnical impact of digital technologies to transforms entire industries and society. For companies, digital technologies can be a source of digital innovation, enabling innovative products, services, processes towards new opportunities of value creation and digital business models. In this context, the term ‘Digital Business Strategy’ (DBS) reflects the changing role of IT strategy, where business and IT strategy merge to an overall organizational strategy to make use of digital technologies for differential value creation. However, for incumbent companies it is often challenging to execute a suitable digital business strategy and transform an existing business for the digital age. This thesis contributes to the existing gap of knowledge in research and practice on transformational insights, i.e., how a digital business strategy is executed. Whereby the emphasis is on the financial services industry, which is particularly affected by the digitalization. Main reasons for this are i) processes of financial service providers typically require little physical interaction and products and services are usually based on information ii) a commodity character of many financial products and services led to an increase in cross-industry competition and an emergence of innovative business models (‘FinTechs’) iii) a changing customer behavior towards technology and finance. This thesis analyzes the impact of digital technologies in two research areas, I. Digital Business Strategy Execution and II. Digital Business Models. The first research area focuses on how companies execute a DBS. It shows that executing a DBS is inextricably linked to a transformation of organizational design components. Whereby, a focus in this thesis is on transforming a legacy IT architecture to a digital platform. The result is a ‘design as a product’ design theory with three design principles (reliability-responsiveness, control-extensibility, standardization-variety). Overall, the contribution highlights combining IT efficiency and IT flexibility to enable multi-firm value co-creation in a digital environment. The final contribution of the first research area is an analysis of the challenges for an incumbent financial service provider to introduce agile development approaches for DBS execution. In the second research area, a FinTech business model taxonomy and FinTech business model archetypes are developed. Finally, the connection between the two research areas, I. Digital Business Strategy Execution and II. Digital Business Models, is analyzed and discussed.
Keywords: Digital Business Strategy; Digital Business Model; Organizational Design; Digital Platform; IT Transformation; IT Architecture; IT Efficiency; IT Flexibility; Design Theory; Value Co-Creation; FinTech; Taxonomy; Financial Service Industry; Financial Service Provider