Einfluss einer zusätzlichen Trainingseinheit zur Lokalanästhesie im Operationskurs II auf das Ergebnis der Semesterabschluss-OSCE
Influence of an additional local anaesthesia training session in OP-course II on the results of an end-term OSCE
by Jasmine Schöne
Date of Examination:2020-02-06
Date of issue:2020-01-21
Advisor:PD Dr. Sabine Sennhenn-Kirchner
Referee:PD Dr. Sabine Sennhenn-Kirchner
Referee:PD Dr. Joachim Erlenwein
Referee:Prof. Dr. Tobias Raupach
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Past dental OSCE's at Göttingen University Medical Centre showed a lack of knowledge and performance accuracy of students administering a local anaesthesia. Surveys illustrated a spread feeling of uncertainty and the desire for more training possibilities. Aim of this study was to investigate whether an additional one- time training session of a group of 4th year dental students had any impact on their OSCE-results and their self- confidence while administering local anaesthesia. 31 fourth year dental students, 15 male, 16 female were divided into two groups. Group A acted as control group. The students of group B participated in a special one-time local anaesthesia training session during their surgical OP course II under a training instructors supervision. Results of both groups were compared at the end- term OSCE on 18th february 2016. A total of 30 students completed the study. Overall result of local anaesthesia testing station was 84,03% ± 18,76. There was no significant difference between the results of group B 89,92% ± 11,9 and group A 81,18% ± 22,38 (p=0,21). Nevertheless this study showed a significant improvement of the local anaesthesia station results between summer-term 2015 with overall result of 69,00%±22,5 and winter-term 2015/2016 with 84,03%±18,76 ; p= 0,0. Although performance of group B was not significantly better a positive effect of the one-time training session could still be proved. In addition a post-study evaluation showed an increase of self- confidence on students side. Further investigations are necessary to establish this positive effect in the future OSCE's and students everyday practice.
Keywords: local anaesthesia; OSCE; practical training
Schlagwörter: Lokalanästhesie; OSCE; praktisches Training