Mamma-MRT in Intervallen von maximal 24 Monaten: Einfluss auf das Tumorstadium
HR-MRI of the Breast at Intervals of Maximum 24 Months: Influence on Tumor Stage
by Moritz Maximilian Hollstein
Date of Examination:2020-06-23
Date of issue:2020-06-08
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Uwe Fischer
Referee:Prof. Dr. Uwe Fischer
Referee:PD Dr. Gerd-Johannes Bauerschmitz
Referee:Prof. Dr. Martin Oppermann
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This study investigated the effect of HR-MRI breast cancer screening of asymptomatic women at intervals of maximum 24 months and its influence on the tumor stage at time of diagnosis. In this study all women were included that underwent at least two MRI-examinations of the breast in less than two years at the Brustzentrum Göttingen with a primary non-pathologic MRI-examination. All subsequent MRI-examinations of those women were included in this study as long as the time between two subsequent examinations did not exceed 24 months. The study resulted in 2.333 women with initially non-pathologic MRI-examinations and 6.642 follow-up MRIs. Of the follow-up examinations 292 were characterized as MR-BIRADS 4 or 5. Biopsies of these 292 suspicious MRI-findings revealed 115 (B5a or B5b) breast carcinomas, of which 79 were invasive breast cancer. The tumor stage of the invasive breast cancer was 21.5% (17/79) pT1a, 51.9% (41/79) pT1b, 25.3% (20/79) pT1c, and 1.3% (1/79) pT2-carcinomas. Nodal-negative (pN0) were 95.9% of the invasive carcinomas. The conclusion was that repetitive HR-MRI examinations of the breast yield a reliable breast cancer detection at a very early tumor stage with an excellent prognosis.
Keywords: HR-MRI; Breast Cancer; Breast Cancer Screening; Radiology; MRI