The effect of reduced management intensity on soil nutrient dynamics in a large-scale oil palm plantation: soil nitrogen cycle, asymbiotic nitrogen fixation and nutrient leaching losses
by Greta Formaglio
Date of Examination:2020-06-26
Date of issue:2020-08-04
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Edzo Veldkamp
Referee:Dr. Marife Corre
Referee:Prof. Dr. Klaus Dittert
Referee:Prof. Dr. Norbert Lamersdorf
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Description:Doctoral thesis
Oil palm plantations are rapidly expanding in the tropics, triggered by increasing demand of vegetable oil and by their high productivity. Large part of palm oil is produced in large-scale plantations employing intensive agricultural management practices, which are associated with negative environmental impacts and may reduce soil fertility. Therefore there is a need to reduce this environmental footprint and to establish management practices that support long-term soil fertility without sacrificing the yield. We established a management experiment in a large-scale oil palm plantation to determine if the reduction of management intensity may promote soil fertilty. This experiment had factorial treatment combinations of two fertilization rates (260 N, 50 P, 220 K kg ha-1 yr-1 as conventional practice, and 136 N, 17 P, 187 K kg ha-1 yr-1, equal to harvest export, as reduced management) and two weeding methods (conventional herbicide, and mechanical weeding as reduced management). The three management zones of large-scale oil palm plantations were considered: the palm circle, where the fertilizer is applied and regularly weeded; the unfertilized and weeded inter-row; the frond-stacked area, where the cut fronds are piled up on the soil. In this experiment, we conducted three studies to investigate three soil processes: the soil N cycle, soil and litter biological asymbiotic N2 fixation and nutrient leaching losses. In the first study, we measured the soil-N-cycling rates in the top-5-cm depth, using the 15N pool dilution technique, as well as soil nutrient contents. While there were no differences among experimental treatments, there were clear differences among management zones. The highest soil-N-cycling rates were in the frond-stacked area. The main driver of the soil N cycle was microbial biomass N, which was controlled by soil organic matter. The decomposition of senesced fronds provided ample substrate to sustain high microbial biomass and high rates of soil-N cycling in the frond-stacked area, also promoting soil fertility (e.g. low bulk density, high organic matter, high base saturation). In the second study, we measured biological asymbiotic N2 fixation in the top-5-cm of soil and in the frond litter. We used the acetylene reduction assay with monthly measurements for one year. There was no effect of the experimental treatment on asymbiotic N2 fixation but there were differences among management zones. The palm circle had the highest N2 fixation rates due to high pH and the frond-stacked area had the lowest N2 fixation rates because of high soil N contents. The litter had high rates of N2 fixation on mass-basis, but, given the small coverage of the litter in the plantation, the rates on area-basis were low. In the third study, we measured nutrient leaching losses at 1.5 m depth for one year and nutrient contents in the top-50-cm soil. We collected monthly deep-soil water samples with suction cup lysimeters and we estimated the water drainage flux by modeling the water balance. The reduced fertilization treatment and the mechanical weeding treatment had lower leaching fluxes than the conventional treatments because of lower nutrient inputs and higher retention by enhanced cover vegetation. The palm circle had generally low leaching fluxes because of high plant uptake, whereas the inter-row had the highest leaching losses of N and Al, because of low plant retention, lateral transport of N, and acidic pH. Altogether these results highlighted the differences among management zones. In the frond-stacked area, the high soil-N-cycling rates, microbial biomass, nutrient contents and water drainage flux show the importance of mulching with senesced fronds to restore some soil functions. Lower fertilization rates and mechanical weeding were effective practices to reduce nutrient leaching losses, reducing the environmental footprint of the plantation. Also, the yield was comparable among experimental treatments, suggesting that reduced management intensity can maintain high productivity.
Keywords: nutrients; tropics; management; plantation; nitrogen fixation; nitrogen cycle; leaching